blob: 95fb6e3a7718ad434eb0cb15f8c203eec0dc7933 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import errno
import fnmatch
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import re
import subprocess
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import file_utils
from autotest_lib.client.cros import chrome_binary_test
from import device_capability
from import helper_logger
BINARY = 'video_encode_accelerator_unittest'
# These default values are from video_encode_accelerator_unittest.
# The value of |requested_frame_rate| and |requested_subsequent_frame_rate|.
# The ratio of |requested_subsequent_bit_rate| to |requested_bit_rate|.
# The values of pixel formats //media/base/video_types.h.
def _remove_if_exists(filepath):
except OSError, e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: # no such file
def _download_video(download_path, local_file):
url = '%s%s' % (DOWNLOAD_BASE, download_path)'download "%s" to "%s"', url, local_file)
file_utils.download_file(url, local_file)
with open(local_file, 'r') as r:
md5sum = hashlib.md5(
if md5sum not in download_path:
raise error.TestError('unmatched md5 sum: %s' % md5sum)
def _run_on_intel_cpu():
lscpu_result = subprocess.check_output(['lscpu'])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
logging.warning('lscpu failed.')
return False
for cpu_info in lscpu_result.splitlines():
key, _, value = cpu_info.partition(':')
if key == 'Model name':
return value.strip().startswith('Intel(R)')
logging.warning("%s", lscpu_result)
return False
def _can_switch_bitrate():
"""Determine whether the board can switch the bitrate.
The bitrate switch test case is mainly for ARC++. We don't have much control
over some devices that do not run ARC++. Therefore we whitelist the boards
that should pass the bitrate switch test. (
# Most Intel chipsets are able to switch bitrate except these two old
# chipsets, so we blacklist the devices.
intel_blacklist = [
# Rambi Bay Trial
'cranky', 'banjo', 'candy', 'clapper', 'enguarde', 'expresso',
'glimmer', 'gnawty', 'heli', 'hoofer', 'kip', 'kip14', 'ninja',
'orco', 'quawks', 'squawks', 'sumo', 'swanky', 'winky',
# Haswell
'falco', 'leon', 'mccloud', 'monroe', 'panther', 'peppy', 'tricky',
'wolf', 'zako',
return (_run_on_intel_cpu() and
utils.get_current_board() not in intel_blacklist)
def _can_encode_nv12():
Determine whether the board can encode NV12.
NV12 format is a mostly common input format driver supports in video
There are devices that cannot encode NV12 input buffer because of chromium
code base or driver issue.
# Although V4L2VEA supports NV12, some devices cannot encode NV12 probably
# due to a driver issue.
nv12_black_list = [
board = utils.get_current_board()
for p in nv12_black_list:
if re.match(p, board):
return False
return True
class video_VideoEncodeAccelerator(chrome_binary_test.ChromeBinaryTest):
This test is a wrapper of the chrome unittest binary:
version = 1
def get_filter_option(self, profile, size):
"""Get option of filtering test.
@param profile: The profile to encode into.
@param size: The size of test stream in pair format (width, height).
# Profiles used in blacklist to filter test for specific profiles.
H264 = 1
VP8 = 11
VP9 = 12
blacklist = {
# (board, profile, size): [tests to skip...]
# "board" supports Unix shell-type wildcards.
# Use None for "profile" or "size" to indicate no filter on it.
# It is possible to match multiple keys for board/profile/size
# in the blacklist, e.g. veyron_minnie could match both
# "veyron_*" and "veyron_minnie".
# rk3399 doesn't support HW encode for plane sizes not multiple
# of cache line.
('kevin', None, None): ['CacheLineUnalignedInputTest/*'],
('bob', None, None): ['CacheLineUnalignedInputTest/*'],
('scarlet', None, None): ['CacheLineUnalignedInputTest/*'],
# Still high failure rate of VP8 EncoderPerf for veyrons,
# disable it for now. crbug/720386
('veyron_*', VP8, None): ['EncoderPerf/*'],
# Disable mid_stream_bitrate_switch test cases for elm/hana.
# crbug/725087
('elm', None, None): ['MidStreamParamSwitchBitrate/*',
('hana', None, None): ['MidStreamParamSwitchBitrate/*',
# Around 40% failure on elm and hana 320x180 test stream.
# crbug/728906
('elm', H264, (320, 180)): ['ForceBitrate/*'],
('elm', VP8, (320, 180)): ['ForceBitrate/*'],
('hana', H264, (320, 180)): ['ForceBitrate/*'],
('hana', VP8, (320, 180)): ['ForceBitrate/*'],
board = utils.get_current_board()
# Disable 320x180 test case. Bitrate of vp8 encoder on the test case is
# out of expected range. b/110059922
# TODO(hiroh): Remove this once b/110059922 is fixed.
if _run_on_intel_cpu():
blacklist[(board, VP8, (320, 180))] = ['*']
filter_list = []
for (board_key, profile_key, size_key), value in blacklist.items():
if (fnmatch.fnmatch(board, board_key) and
(profile_key is None or profile == profile_key) and
(size_key is None or size == size_key)):
filter_list += value
if filter_list:
return '-' + ':'.join(filter_list)
return ''
def run_once(self, in_cloud, streams, profile, capability):
"""Runs video_encode_accelerator_unittest on the streams.
@param in_cloud: Input file needs to be downloaded first.
@param streams: The test streams for video_encode_accelerator_unittest.
@param profile: The profile to encode into.
@raises error.TestFail for video_encode_accelerator_unittest failures.
last_test_failure = None
for (path, width, height, bit_rate, frame_rate, subsequent_bit_rate,
subsequent_frame_rate, pixel_format) in streams:
# Skip the bitrate test if the board cannot switch bitrate.
if subsequent_bit_rate is not None and not _can_switch_bitrate():'Skip the bitrate switch test: %s => %s',
bit_rate, subsequent_bit_rate)
if pixel_format == PIXEL_FORMAT_NV12 and not _can_encode_nv12():'Skip the NV12 input buffer case.')
# Set the default value for None.
frame_rate = frame_rate or DEFAULT_FRAME_RATE
subsequent_bit_rate = (subsequent_bit_rate or
subsequent_frame_rate = subsequent_frame_rate or DEFAULT_FRAME_RATE
if in_cloud:
input_path = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, path.split('/')[-1])
_download_video(path, input_path)
input_path = os.path.join(self.cr_source_dir, path)
output_path = os.path.join(self.tmpdir,
'%s.out' % input_path.split('/')[-1])
test_stream_list = map(
str, [input_path, width, height, profile, output_path,
bit_rate, frame_rate, subsequent_bit_rate,
subsequent_frame_rate, pixel_format])
cmd_line_list = [
'--test_stream_data="%s"' % ':'.join(test_stream_list),
# Command line |gtest_filter| can override get_filter_option().
predefined_filter = self.get_filter_option(profile, (width, height))
if predefined_filter:
cmd_line_list.append('--gtest_filter="%s"' % predefined_filter)
cmd_line = ' '.join(cmd_line_list)
logging.debug('Executing with argument: %s', cmd_line)
self.run_chrome_test_binary(BINARY, cmd_line, as_chronos=False)
except error.TestFail as test_failure:
# Continue to run the remaining test streams and raise
# the last failure after finishing all streams.
logging.exception('error while encoding %s', input_path)
last_test_failure = test_failure
# Remove the downloaded video
if in_cloud:
if last_test_failure:
raise last_test_failure