blob: f19a27b6998a767da482dc6e9661f6f38dd2b24c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
import common
import logging
import _mysql_exceptions
import sys
from autotest_lib.database import database_connection
from autotest_lib.server import frontend
SPECIAL_TASKS_SQL_CMD = 'SELECT is_complete FROM afe_special_tasks WHERE id=%s'
_AFE = frontend.AFE(debug=False)
_DATABASE = database_connection.DatabaseConnection(DB_CONFIG_SECTION)
def is_job_complete(job_id):
Check if a job is no longer active.
@param job_id: afe job id like 123 from 123-scottza
@return True if job is complete and False if it is not
if not'get_jobs', finished=True, id=job_id):
return False
return True
def is_special_task_complete(job_id):
Check if a special task (Cleanup, Verify, Repair) job is no longer active.
@param job_id: job id in string format like '123' from '123-cleanup'
@return True if a job is complete, and False if it is not.
# Make sure the job_id is a number.
if not job_id.isdigit():
logging.error('Job_id: %s is not a number returning False.', job_id)
return False
query_results = _DATABASE.execute(SPECIAL_TASKS_SQL_CMD, job_id,
except _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError:
logging.error('Database query failed for job_id: %s.', job_id)
return False
# Check if no table rows are returned.
if not query_results:
logging.error('Job_id: %s is not a valid special task id.', job_id)
return False
# Return the only column in the first (only) row.
# 1 means done, 0 means running.
return query_results[0][0]
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print ('Set return status to 0 if job is complete or 1 if it is not.\n'
'Usage: <job_id>')
sys.exit(not is_job_complete(sys.argv[1]))