blob: fadf8852ef2ca212a2ababf5d66886be1dcd7d83 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
import os.path
print "XXXX start of control file"
print "XXXX creating RemoteHost object"
remote_host= hosts.create_host("")
print "XXXX installing KVM"
kvm_on_remote_host= kvm.KVM(remote_host)
addresses= [{"mac": "02:00:00:00:00:%02x" % (num,), "ip" : "10.0.0.%d" % (num,)} for num in range(1, 16)]
print "XXXX starting guests"
qemu_options= "-m 256 -hda /var/local/vdisk.img -snapshot"
# > 1
num_guests= 5
g= []
for i in range(num_guests):
g.append(hosts.KVMGuest(kvm_on_remote_host, qemu_options))
for i in range(num_guests):
print "XXXX running transfers"
tmp_dir= g[0].get_tmp_dir()
big_file= os.path.join(tmp_dir, "big_file")
g[0].run('dd if=/dev/urandom of="%s" bs=1024 count=102400' % (big_file,))
print g[0].run('sha1sum "%s"' % (big_file,)).stdout.strip()
args= range(1, num_guests)
def f(i):
print "This is %s" % i
tmp_dir= g[i].get_tmp_dir()
g[i].run('scp "%s":"%s" "%s"' % (g[0].hostname, big_file, tmp_dir,))
print g[i].run('sha1sum "%s"' % (os.path.join(tmp_dir, "big_file"),)).stdout.strip()
job.parallel_simple(f, args)
print "XXXX end of control file"