blob: 4d4aa30be0ee4c865afe86af35e6845fea07295f [file] [log] [blame]
import logging, os
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
def run_usb(test, params, env):
Test usb device of guest
1) create a image file by qemu-img
2) boot up a guest add this file as a usb device
3) check usb device information by execute monitor/guest command
@param test: kvm test object
@param params: Dictionary with the test parameters
@param env: Dictionary with test environment.
vm = env.get_vm(params["main_vm"])
session = vm.wait_for_login(timeout=int(params.get("login_timeout", 360)))
output = vm.monitor.cmd("info usb")
if "Product QEMU USB MSD" not in output:
raise error.TestFail("Could not find mass storage device")
output = session.cmd("lsusb -v")
# No bus specified, default using "usb.0" for "usb-storage"
for i in ["ID 0000:0000", "Mass Storage", "SCSI", "QEMU USB HARDDRIVE"]:
if i not in output:
raise error.TestFail("No '%s' in the output of 'lsusb -v'" % i)
output = session.cmd("fdisk -l")
if params.get("fdisk_string") not in output:
for line in output.splitlines():
raise error.TestFail("Could not detect the usb device on fdisk output")
error.context("Formatting USB disk")
devname = session.cmd("ls /dev/disk/by-path/* | grep usb").strip()
session.cmd("yes | mkfs %s" % devname,
error.context("Mounting USB disk")
session.cmd("mount %s /mnt" % devname)
error.context("Creating comparison file")
c_file = '/tmp/usbfile'
session.cmd("dd if=/dev/random of=%s bs=1M count=1" % c_file)
error.context("Copying %s to USB disk" % c_file)
session.cmd("cp %s /mnt" % c_file)
error.context("Unmounting USB disk before file comparison")
session.cmd("umount %s" % devname)
error.context("Mounting USB disk for file comparison")
session.cmd("mount %s /mnt" % devname)
error.context("Determining md5sum for file on root fs and in USB disk")
md5_root = session.cmd("md5sum %s" % c_file).strip()
md5_usb = session.cmd("md5sum /mnt/%s" % os.path.basename(c_file)).strip()
md5_root = md5_root.split()[0]
md5_usb = md5_usb.split()[0]
if md5_root != md5_usb:
raise error.TestError("MD5 mismatch between file on root fs and on "
"USB disk")
error.context("Unmounting USB disk after file comparison")
session.cmd("umount %s" % devname)
error.context("Checking if there are I/O error messages in dmesg")
output = session.get_command_output("dmesg")
io_error_msg = []
for line in output.splitlines():
if "Buffer I/O error" in line:
if io_error_msg:
e_msg = "IO error found on guest's dmesg when formatting USB device"
for line in io_error_msg:
raise error.TestFail(e_msg)