blob: f4a5dcacc7968ea0753fe277e13d59bfcc475f2c [file] [log] [blame]
"""Extracts media info metrics from media info data points."""
import collections
import enum
# Direction and type numbers map to constants in the DataPoint group in
# callstats.proto
class Direction(enum.Enum):
Possible directions for media entries of a data point.
class MediaType(enum.Enum):
Possible media types for media entries of a data point.
DATA = 3
TimestampedValues = collections.namedtuple('TimestampedValues',
class MediaInfoMetricsExtractor(object):
Extracts media metrics from a list of raw media info data points.
Media info datapoints are expected to be dictionaries in the format returned
by cfm_facade.get_media_info_data_points.
def __init__(self, data_points):
Initializes with a set of data points.
@param data_points Data points as a list of dictionaries. Dictionaries
should be in the format returned by
cfm_facade.get_media_info_data_points. I.e., as returned when
querying the Browser Window for datapoints when the ExportMediaInfo
mod is active.
self._data_points = data_points
def get_top_level_metric(self, name):
Gets top level metrics.
Gets metrics that are global for one datapoint. I.e., metrics that
are not in the media list, such as CPU usage.
@param name Name of the metric. Names map to the names in the DataPoint
group in callstats.proto.
@returns A list with TimestampedValues. The ValueList is guaranteed to
not contain any None values.
@raises KeyError If any datapoint is missing a metric with the
specified name. The KeyError will contain 2 args. The first is the
key, the second the entire data_point dictionary.
metrics = []
for data_point in self._data_points:
value = _get_value(data_point, name)
if value is not None:
timestamp = data_point['timestamp']
metrics.append(TimestampedValues(timestamp, [value]))
return metrics
def get_media_metric(self,
post_process_func=lambda x: x):
Gets media metrics.
Gets metrics that are in the media part of the datapoint. A DataPoint
often contains many media entries, why there are multiple values for a
specific name.
@param name Name of the metric. Names map to the names in the DataPoint
group in callstats.proto.
@param direction: Only include metrics with this direction in the media
stream. See the Direction constants in this module. If None, all
directions are included.
@param media_type: Only include metrics with this media type in the
media stream. See the MediaType constants in this module. If None,
all media types are included.
@param post_process_func: Function that takes a list of values and
optionally transforms it, returning the updated list or a scalar
value. Default is to return the unmodified list. This method is
called for the list of values in the same datapoint. Example usage
is to sum the received audio bytes for all streams for one logged
@raises KeyError If any data point matching the direction and
media_type filter is missing metrics with the specified name. The
KeyError will contain 2 args. The first is the key, the second the
media dictionary that is missing the key.
@returns A list with TimestampedValues. The ValueList is guaranteed to
not contain any None values.
metrics = []
for data_point in self._data_points:
timestamp = data_point['timestamp']
values = [
_get_value(media, name)
for media in data_point['media']
if _media_matches(media, direction, media_type)
# Filter None values and only add the metric if there is at least
# one value left.
values = [x for x in values if x is not None]
if values:
values = post_process_func(values)
values = values if isinstance(values, list) else [values]
metrics.append(TimestampedValues(timestamp, values))
return metrics
def _get_value(dictionary, key):
Returns the value in the dictionary for the specified key.
The only difference of using this method over dictionary[key] is that the
KeyError raised here contains both the key and the dictionary.
@param dictionary The dictionary to lookup the key in.
@param key The key to lookup.
@raises KeyError If the key does not exist. The KeyError will contain 2
args. The first is the key, the second the entire dictionary.
return dictionary[key]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(key, dictionary)
def _media_matches(media, direction, media_type):
direction_match = (True if direction is None
else media['direction'] == direction.value)
type_match = (True if media_type is None
else media['mediatype'] == media_type.value)
return direction_match and type_match