blob: 3330078587b20f4d786a617a3c3537cb5a640d38 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error, utils
from autotest_lib.client.cros import constants
class platform_CryptohomeChangePassword(test.test):
version = 1
def __run_cmd(self, cmd):
result = utils.system_output(cmd + ' 2>&1', retain_output=True,
return result
def run_once(self):
test_user = '';
test_password = 'this_is_a_test_password';
# Get the hash for the test user account
cmd = ('/usr/sbin/cryptohome --action=obfuscate_user --user='
+ test_user)
user_hash = self.__run_cmd(cmd).strip()
# Remove the test user account
cmd = ('/usr/sbin/cryptohome --action=remove --force --user='
+ test_user)
# Ensure that the user directory does not exist
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(constants.SHADOW_ROOT, user_hash)):
raise error.TestFail('Cryptohome could not remove the test user.')
# Mount the test user account
cmd = ('/usr/sbin/cryptohome --async --action=mount --user=' + test_user
+ ' --password=' + test_password + ' --create')
# Ensure that the user directory exists
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(constants.SHADOW_ROOT, user_hash)):
raise error.TestFail('Cryptohome could not create the test user.')
# Ensure that the user directory is mounted
cmd = ('/usr/sbin/cryptohome --action=is_mounted')
if (self.__run_cmd(cmd).strip() == 'false'):
raise error.TestFail('Cryptohome created the user but did not mount.')
# Unmount the directory
cmd = ('/usr/sbin/cryptohome --action=unmount')
# Ensure that the user directory is not mounted
cmd = ('/usr/sbin/cryptohome --action=is_mounted')
if (self.__run_cmd(cmd).strip() != 'false'):
raise error.TestFail('Cryptohome did not unmount the user.')
# Try to migrate the password
new_password = 'this_is_a_new_password'
cmd = ('/usr/sbin/cryptohome --async --action=migrate_key --user='
+ test_user + ' --password=' + new_password + ' --old_password='
+ test_password)
# Mount the test user account with the new password
cmd = ('/usr/sbin/cryptohome --async --action=mount --user=' + test_user
+ ' --password=' + new_password)
# Ensure that the user directory is mounted
cmd = ('/usr/sbin/cryptohome --action=is_mounted')
if (self.__run_cmd(cmd).strip() == 'false'):
raise error.TestFail('Cryptohome did not mount with the new'
+ ' password.')
# Unmount the directory
cmd = ('/usr/sbin/cryptohome --action=unmount')
# Ensure that the user directory is not mounted
cmd = ('/usr/sbin/cryptohome --action=is_mounted')
if (self.__run_cmd(cmd).strip() == 'true'):
raise error.TestFail('Cryptohome did not unmount the user.')
# Ensure the old password doesn't work
cmd = ('/usr/sbin/cryptohome --async --action=mount --user=' + test_user
+ ' --password=' + test_password)
# Ensure that the user directory is not mounted
cmd = ('/usr/sbin/cryptohome --action=is_mounted')
if (self.__run_cmd(cmd).strip() != 'false'):
raise error.TestFail('Cryptohome mounted with the old password.')
# Remove the test user account
cmd = ('/usr/sbin/cryptohome --action=remove --force --user='
+ test_user)