blob: 530dfd82f448c90bcca01590c98bac6c681cfefb [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils
class kernel_Lmbench(test.test):
"""Run some benchmarks from the lmbench3 suite.
lmbench is a series of micro benchmarks intended to measure basic operating
system and hardware system metrics.
For further details about lmbench refer to:
This test is copied from from client/tests to avoid depending on make and
perl. Here we can also tune the individual benchmarks to be more
deterministic using taskset, nice, etc.
Example benchmark runs and outputs on a Lumpy device:
./lat_pagefault -N 100 -W 10000 /usr/local/zeros 2>&1
Pagefaults on /usr/local/zeros: 1.5215 microseconds
./lat_syscall -N 100 -W 10000 null 2>&1
Simple syscall: 0.1052 microseconds
./lat_syscall -N 100 -W 10000 read /usr/local/zeros 2>&1
Simple read: 0.2422 microseconds
./lat_syscall -N 100 -W 10000 write /usr/local/zeros 2>&1
Simple write: 0.2036 microseconds
./lat_proc -N 100 -W 10000 fork 2>&1
Process fork+exit: 250.9048 microseconds
./lat_proc -N 100 -W 10000 exec 2>&1
Process fork+execve: 270.8000 microseconds
./lat_mmap -N 100 -W 10000 128M /usr/local/zeros 2>&1
134.217728 1644
./lat_mmap -P 2 -W 10000 128M /usr/local/zeros 2>&1
134.217728 2932
./lat_pipe -N 100 -W 10000 2>&1
Pipe latency: 14.3242 microseconds
taskset 0x1 nice -20 ./lat_ctx -s 0 -W 10000 8 2>&1
"size=0k ovr=1.09
8 1.80
version = 1
def _run_benchmarks(self):
"""Run the benchmarks.
For details and output format refer to individual benchmark man pages:
To improve determinism, we sometimes use taskset to pin to a CPU and
benchmarks = [
'lat_pagefault -N %(N)d -W %(W)d %(fname)s 2>&1'),
'lat_syscall -N %(N)d -W %(W)d null 2>&1'),
'lat_syscall -N %(N)d -W %(W)d read %(fname)s 2>&1'),
'lat_syscall -N %(N)d -W %(W)d write %(fname)s 2>&1'),
'lat_proc -N %(N)d -W %(W)d fork 2>&1'),
'lat_proc -N %(N)d -W %(W)d exec 2>&1'),
('lat_mmap -N %(N)d -W %(W)d '
'%(fsize)dM %(fname)s 2>&1')),
'lat_mmap -P 2 -W %(W)d %(fsize)dM %(fname)s 2>&1'),
'lat_pipe -N %(N)d -W %(W)d 2>&1'),
('taskset 0x1 nice -20 '
'lat_ctx -s 0 -W %(W)d %(procs)d 2>&1'))
keyvals = {}
# Create a file with <fsize> MB of zeros in /usr/local
cmd = 'dd if=/dev/zero of=%(fname)s bs=1M count=%(fsize)d'
cmd = cmd % self.lmparams
for (bm, cmd) in benchmarks:
cmd = cmd % self.lmparams'Running: %s, cmd: %s', bm, cmd)
out = utils.system_output(cmd)'Output: %s', out)
# See class doc string for output examples
lst = out.split()
idx = -2
if '_mmap' in bm or '_ctx' in bm:
idx = -1
useconds = float(lst[idx])
keyvals['us_' + bm] = useconds
def initialize(self):
self.lmkeyvals = {}
# Common parameters for the benchmarks. More details here:
# N - number of repetitions
# P - parallelism
# W - warmup time in microseconds
# fname - file to operate on
# fsize - size of the above file in MB
# procs - number of processes for context switch benchmark - lat_ctx
self.lmparams = {
# Write out the params as kevals now to keep them even if test fails
param_kvals = [('param_%s' % p,v) for (p,v) in self.lmparams.items()]
def run_once(self):