graphics_dEQP: add/update scripts.

These scripts are used to maintain dEQP expectations.
Keep them in the tree.


Change-Id: I3f76b501a729215ce96e226507b0123ce5444b25
Trybot-Ready: Ilja Friedel <>
Tested-by: Ilja Friedel <>
Reviewed-by: Stéphane Marchesin <>
diff --git a/client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/ b/client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/
deleted file mode 100755
index 51bb471..0000000
--- a/client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-gpus=(baytrail broadwell haswell ivybridge sandybridge)
-for gpu in ${gpus[*]}
-  rm expectations/${gpu}/*.json
-  cat expectations/${gpu}/* | sort > /tmp/${gpu}.sorted
-  cat expectations/${gpu}/* | sort | uniq > /tmp/${gpu}.sorted_uniq
-  diff /tmp/${gpu}.sorted /tmp/${gpu}.sorted_uniq > ${gpu}.diff
diff --git a/client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/scripts/ b/client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bf84335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+# pylint: disable-msg=W0311
+import argparse
+import json
+import os
+gpu_list = [
+    #'pinetrail',
+    'sandybridge',
+    'ivybridge',
+    'baytrail',
+    'haswell',
+    'broadwell',
+    'braswell',
+    'skylake',
+    'mali-t604',
+    'mali-t628',
+    'mali-t760',
+    'rogue',
+_PROBLEM_STATUS = ['Fail', 'Flaky']
+status_dict = {
+    'Fail': 'FAIL ',
+    'Flaky': 'flaky',
+    'Pass': '  +  ',
+    'NotSupported': ' --- ',
+    'QualityWarning': 'qw   ',
+    'CompatibilityWarning': 'cw   ',
+    'Unknown': ' ??? ',
+    None: ' n/a ',
+def load_expectation_dict(json_file):
+  data = {}
+  if os.path.isfile(json_file):
+    with open(json_file, 'r') as f:
+      text =
+      data = json.loads(text)
+  return data
+def load_expectations(json_file):
+  data = load_expectation_dict(json_file)
+  expectations = {}
+  # Convert from dictionary of lists to dictionary of sets.
+  for key in data:
+    expectations[key] = set(data[key])
+  return expectations
+def get_problem_count(dict, gpu):
+  count = 0
+  if gpu in dict:
+    for status in _PROBLEM_STATUS:
+      if status in dict[gpu]:
+        count = count + len((dict[gpu])[status])
+  else:
+    print 'Warning: %s not found in dict!' % gpu
+  return count
+def get_problem_tests(dict):
+  tests = set([])
+  for gpu in dict:
+    for status in _PROBLEM_STATUS:
+      if status in dict[gpu]:
+        tests = tests.union((dict[gpu])[status])
+  return sorted(list(tests))
+def get_test_result(dict, test):
+  for key in dict:
+    if test in dict[key]:
+      return key
+  return None
+argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+    description='Create a matrix of failing tests per GPU.')
+                       default='gles2',
+                       help='Interface for matrix (gles2, gles3, gles31).')
+args = argparser.parse_args()
+status = '%s-master.json' % args.interface
+dict = {}
+for gpu in gpu_list:
+  filename = 'expectations/%s/%s' % (gpu, status)
+  dict[gpu] = load_expectations(filename)
+tests = get_problem_tests(dict)
+print 'Legend:'
+for key in status_dict:
+  print '%s  -->  %s' % (status_dict[key], key)
+offset = ''
+for gpu in gpu_list:
+  print '%s%s' % (offset, gpu)
+  offset = '%s    |    ' % offset
+print offset
+text_count = ''
+text_del = ''
+for gpu in gpu_list:
+  text_count = '%s%5d    ' % (text_count, get_problem_count(dict, gpu))
+  text_del = '%s=========' % text_del
+text_count = '%s  Total failure count (Fail + Flaky)' % text_count
+print text_del
+print text_count
+print text_del
+for test in tests:
+  text = ''
+  for gpu in gpu_list:
+    result = get_test_result(dict[gpu], test)
+    status = status_dict[result]
+    text = '%s  %s  ' % (text, status)
+  text = '%s  %s' % (text, test)
+  print text
+print text_del
+print '%s repeated' % text_count
+print text_del
diff --git a/client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/ b/client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/scripts/
similarity index 68%
rename from client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/
rename to client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/scripts/
index e52b1d0..b4eab0a 100644
--- a/client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/
+++ b/client/site_tests/graphics_dEQP/scripts/
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
 import subprocess
 _EXPECTATIONS_DIR = 'expectations'
-_AUTOTEST_RESULT_TEMPLATE = 'gs://chromeos-autotest-results/%s-chromeos-test/chromeos*/graphics_dEQP/debug/graphics_dEQP.DEBUG'
+_AUTOTEST_RESULT_ID_TEMPLATE = 'gs://chromeos-autotest-results/%s-chromeos-test/chromeos*/graphics_dEQP/debug/graphics_dEQP.DEBUG'
+#_AUTOTEST_RESULT_TAG_TEMPLATE = 'gs://chromeos-autotest-results/%s/graphics_dEQP/debug/graphics_dEQP.DEBUG'
+_AUTOTEST_RESULT_TAG_TEMPLATE = 'gs://chromeos-autotest-results/%s/debug/client.0.DEBUG'
 # Use this template for tryjob results:
 #_AUTOTEST_RESULT_TEMPLATE = 'gs://chromeos-autotest-results/%s-ihf/*/graphics_dEQP/debug/graphics_dEQP.DEBUG'
 _BOARD_REGEX = re.compile(r'ChromeOS BOARD = (.+)')
@@ -30,7 +32,8 @@
     r'\[stdout\] Test case \'(.+?)\'..$\n'
-    r'.+?\[stdout\]   (Pass|Fail|QualityWarning) \((.+)\)', re.MULTILINE)
+    r'.+?\[stdout\]   (Pass|NotSupported|QualityWarning|CompatibilityWarning|'
+    r'Fail|ResourceError|Crash|Timeout|InternalError|Skipped) \((.+)\)', re.MULTILINE)
 Logfile = namedtuple('Logfile', 'job_id name gs_path')
@@ -52,7 +55,7 @@
   return board, gpu, filter, hasty
-def get_logs_from_gs(autotest_result_path):
+def copy_logs_from_gs_path(autotest_result_path):
   logs = []
   gs_paths = execute(['gsutil', 'ls', autotest_result_path]).splitlines()
   for gs_path in gs_paths:
@@ -88,7 +91,8 @@
 def get_not_passing_tests(text):
   not_passing = []
   for test, result in re.findall(_TEST_RESULT_REGEX, text):
-    if not (result == 'Pass' or result == 'NotSupported'):
+    if not (result == 'Pass' or result == 'NotSupported' or result == 'Skipped' or
+            result == 'QualityWarning' or result == 'CompatibilityWarning'):
       not_passing.append((test, result))
   for test, result, details in re.findall(_HASTY_TEST_RESULT_REGEX, text):
     if result != 'Pass':
@@ -99,7 +103,7 @@
 def load_expectation_dict(json_file):
   data = {}
   if os.path.isfile(json_file):
-    print('Loading file ' + json_file)
+    print 'Loading file ' + json_file
     with open(json_file, 'r') as f:
       text =
       data = json.loads(text)
@@ -168,7 +172,7 @@
     if key != 'Flaky':
       not_flaky = list(status_dict[key] - flaky)
-      print('Number of "%s" is %d.' % (key, len(not_flaky)))
+      print 'Number of "%s" is %d.' % (key, len(not_flaky))
       clean_dict[key] = not_flaky
   # And finally process flaky list/set.
@@ -209,23 +213,36 @@
         'TestCase: ' in line or 'Result: ' in line or
         'Test Options: ' in line or 'Running in hasty mode.' in line or
         # For hasty logs we have:
-        ' Pass (' in line or ' Fail (' in line or 'QualityWarning (' in line or
+        'Pass (' in line or 'NotSupported (' in line or 'Skipped (' in line or
+        'QualityWarning (' in line or 'CompatibilityWarning (' in line or
+        'Fail (' in line or 'ResourceError (' in line or 'Crash (' in line or
+        'Timeout (' in line or 'InternalError (' in line or
         ' Test case \'' in line):
       text += line + '\n'
   # TODO(ihf): Warn about or reject log files missing the end marker.
   return text
+def all_passing(tests):
+  for _, result in tests:
+    if not (result == 'Pass'):
+      return False
+  return True
 def process_logs(logs):
   for log in logs:
     text = load_log(
     if text:
-      print('================================================================')
-      print('Loading %s...' %
+      print '================================================================'
+      print 'Loading %s...' %
       _, gpu, filter, hasty = get_metadata(text)
       tests = get_all_tests(text)
-      print('Found %d test results.' % len(tests))
-      if tests:
+      print 'Found %d test results.' % len(tests)
+      if all_passing(tests):
+        # Delete logs that don't contain failures.
+        os.remove(
+      else:
         # GPU family goes first in path to simplify adding/deleting families.
         output_path = os.path.join(_EXPECTATIONS_DIR, gpu)
         if not os.access(output_path, os.R_OK):
@@ -236,22 +253,77 @@
         merge_expectation_list(expectation_path, tests)
+'select distinct job_tag from chromeos_autotest_db.tko_test_view_2 '
+'where not job_tag like "%%hostless" and '
+'test_name="graphics_dEQP" and '
+'build_version>="%s" and '
+'build_version<="%s" and '
+'((status = "FAIL" and not job_name like "%%.NotPass") or '
+'job_name like "%%.functional" or '
+'job_name like "%%-master")' )
+'select distinct job_tag from chromeos_autotest_db.tko_test_view_2 '
+'where not job_tag like "%%hostless" and '
+'test_name="graphics_dEQP" and '
+'build_version>="%s" and '
+'build_version<="%s" and '
+'job_name like "%%-master"' )
+def get_result_paths_from_autotest_db(host, user, password, build_from,
+                                      build_to):
+  paths = []
+  # TODO(ihf): Introduce flag to toggle between JOB_TAGS_ALL and _MASTER.
+  sql = JOB_TAGS_ALL % (build_from, build_to)
+  cmd = ['mysql', '-u%s' % user, '-p%s' % password, '--host', host, '-e', sql]
+  p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+  for line in p.communicate()[0].splitlines():
+    # Skip over unrelated sql spew (really first line only):
+    if line and 'chromeos-test' in line:
+      paths.append(_AUTOTEST_RESULT_TAG_TEMPLATE % line.rstrip())
+  print 'Found %d potential results in the database.' % len(paths)
+  return paths
+def copy_logs_from_gs_paths(paths):
+  i = 1
+  for gs_path in paths:
+    print '[%d/%d] %s' % (i, len(paths), gs_path)
+    copy_logs_from_gs_path(gs_path)
+    i = i+1
 argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
     description='Download from GS and process dEQP logs into expectations.')
-    'result_ids',
-    metavar='result_id',
-    nargs='*',  # Zero or more result_ids specified.
-    help='List of result log IDs (wildcards for gsutil like 5678* are ok).')
+    '--host',
+    dest='host',
+    default='chromeos-server38.cbf',
+    help='Host containing autotest result DB.')
+argparser.add_argument('--user', dest='user', help='Database user account.')
+    '--password',
+    dest='password',
+    help='Password for user account.')
+    '--from',
+    dest='build_from',
+    help='Lowest build revision to include. Example: R51-8100.0.0')
+    '--to',
+    dest='build_to',
+    help='Highest build revision to include. Example: R51-8101.0.0')
 args = argparser.parse_args()
 print pprint.pformat(args)
 # This is somewhat optional. Remove existing expectations to start clean, but
 # feel free to process them incrementally.
 execute(['rm', '-rf', _EXPECTATIONS_DIR])
-for id in args.result_ids:
-  logs = get_logs_from_gs(gs_path)
+, args.user, args.password, args.build_from, args.build_to))
 # This will include the just downloaded logs from GS as well.
 logs = get_local_logs()