blob: c5341f21d4e3154b634ed7990b0e057177ffe9a7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import re
import json
import time
import shutil
import logging
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import perf_stat_lib
def get_cpu_usage(system_facade, measurement_duration_seconds):
Returns cpu usage in %.
@param system_facade: A SystemFacadeRemoteAdapter to access
the CPU capture functionality from the DUT.
@param measurement_duration_seconds: CPU metric capture duration.
@returns current CPU usage percentage.
cpu_usage_start = system_facade.get_cpu_usage()
cpu_usage_end = system_facade.get_cpu_usage()
return system_facade.compute_active_cpu_time(
cpu_usage_start, cpu_usage_end) * 100
def get_memory_usage(system_facade):
Returns total used memory in %.
@param system_facade: A SystemFacadeRemoteAdapter to access
the memory capture functionality from the DUT.
@returns current memory used.
total_memory = system_facade.get_mem_total()
return ((total_memory - system_facade.get_mem_free())
* 100 / total_memory)
def get_temperature_data(client, system_facade):
Returns temperature sensor data in Celcius.
@param system_facade: A SystemFacadeRemoteAdapter to access the temperature
capture functionality from the DUT.
@returns current CPU temperature.
ectool ='ectool version', ignore_status=True)
if not ectool.exit_status:
ec_temp = system_facade.get_ec_temperatures()
return ec_temp[1]
temp_sensor_name = 'temp0'
if not temp_sensor_name:
return 0
MOSYS_OUTPUT_RE = re.compile('(\w+)="(.*?)"')
values = {}
cmd = 'mosys -k sensor print thermal %s' % temp_sensor_name
for kv in MOSYS_OUTPUT_RE.finditer(client.run_output(cmd)):
key, value = kv.groups()
if key == 'reading':
value = int(value)
values[key] = value
return values['reading']
#TODO(krishnargv): Replace _get_point_id with a call to the
# _get_id_from_version method of the
def get_point_id(cros_version, epoch_minutes, version_pattern):
Compute point ID from ChromeOS version number and epoch minutes.
@param cros_version: String of ChromeOS version number.
@param epoch_minutes: String of minutes since 1970.
@returns unique integer ID computed from given version and epoch.
# Number of digits from each part of the Chrome OS version string.
cros_version_col_widths = [0, 4, 3, 2]
def get_digits(version_num, column_widths):
if re.match(version_pattern, version_num):
computed_string = ''
version_parts = version_num.split('.')
for i, version_part in enumerate(version_parts):
if column_widths[i]:
computed_string += version_part.zfill(column_widths[i])
return computed_string
return None
cros_digits = get_digits(cros_version, cros_version_col_widths)
epoch_digits = epoch_minutes[-8:]
if not cros_digits:
return None
return int(epoch_digits + cros_digits)
def open_perf_file(file_path):
Open a perf file. Write header line if new. Return file object.
If the file on |file_path| already exists, then open file for
appending only. Otherwise open for writing only.
@param file_path: file path for perf file.
@returns file object for the perf file.
if os.path.isfile(file_path):
perf_file = open(file_path, 'a+')
perf_file = open(file_path, 'w')
perf_file.write('Time,CPU,Memory,Temperature (C)\r\n')
return perf_file
def modulo_time(timer, interval):
Get time eplased on |timer| for the |interval| modulus.
Value returned is used to adjust the timer so that it is
synchronized with the current interval.
@param timer: time on timer, in seconds.
@param interval: period of time in seconds.
@returns time elapsed from the start of the current interval.
return timer % int(interval)
def syncup_time(timer, interval):
Get time remaining on |timer| for the |interval| modulus.
Value returned is used to induce sleep just long enough to put the
process back in sync with the timer.
@param timer: time on timer, in seconds.
@param interval: period of time in seconds.
@returns time remaining till the end of the current interval.
return interval - (timer % int(interval))
def append_to_aggregated_file(ts_file, ag_file):
Append contents of perf timestamp file to perf aggregated file.
@param ts_file: file handle for performance timestamped file.
@param ag_file: file handle for performance aggregated file.
next(ts_file) # Skip fist line (the header) of timestamped file.
for line in ts_file:
def copy_aggregated_to_resultsdir(resultsdir, aggregated_fpath, f_name):
"""Copy perf aggregated file to results dir for AutoTest results.
Note: The AutoTest results default directory is located at /usr/local/
@param resultsdir: Directory name where the perf results are stored.
@param aggregated_fpath: file path to Aggregated performance values.
@param f_name: Name of the perf File
results_fpath = os.path.join(resultsdir, f_name)
shutil.copy(aggregated_fpath, results_fpath)'Copied %s to %s)', aggregated_fpath, results_fpath)
def record_90th_metrics(perf_values, perf_metrics):
"""Record 90th percentile metric of attribute performance values.
@param perf_values: dict attribute performance values.
@param perf_metrics: dict attribute 90%-ile performance metrics.
# Calculate 90th percentile for each attribute.
cpu_values = perf_values['cpu']
mem_values = perf_values['mem']
temp_values = perf_values['temp']
cpu_metric = perf_stat_lib.get_kth_percentile(cpu_values, .90)
mem_metric = perf_stat_lib.get_kth_percentile(mem_values, .90)
temp_metric = perf_stat_lib.get_kth_percentile(temp_values, .90)'Performance values: %s', perf_values)'90th percentile: cpu: %s, mem: %s, temp: %s',
cpu_metric, mem_metric, temp_metric)
# Append 90th percentile to each attribute performance metric.
def get_median_metrics(metrics):
Returns median of each attribute performance metric.
If no metric values were recorded, return 0 for each metric.
@param metrics: dict of attribute performance metric lists.
@returns dict of attribute performance metric medians.
if len(metrics['cpu']):
cpu_metric = perf_stat_lib.get_median(metrics['cpu'])
mem_metric = perf_stat_lib.get_median(metrics['mem'])
temp_metric = perf_stat_lib.get_median(metrics['temp'])
cpu_metric = 0
mem_metric = 0
temp_metric = 0'Median of 90th percentile: cpu: %s, mem: %s, temp: %s',
cpu_metric, mem_metric, temp_metric)
return {'cpu': cpu_metric, 'mem': mem_metric, 'temp': temp_metric}
def read_perf_results(resultsdir, resultsfile):
Read perf results from results-chart.json file for Perf Dashboard.
@returns dict of perf results, formatted as JSON chart data.
results_file = os.path.join(resultsdir, resultsfile)
with open(results_file, 'r') as fp:
contents =
chart_data = json.loads(contents)
# TODO(krishnargv): refactor this with a better method to delete.
open(results_file, 'w').close()
return chart_data
def verify_perf_params(expected_params, perf_params):
Verify that all the expected paramaters were passed to the test.
Return True if the perf_params dict passed via the control file
has all of the the expected parameters and have valid values.
@param expected_params: list of expected parameters
@param perf_params: dict of the paramaters passed via control file.
@returns True if the perf_params dict is valid, else returns False.
for param in expected_params:
if param not in perf_params or not perf_params[param]:
return False
return True