crash: Remove logging_GenerateCrashFiles autotest.

logging_GenerateCrashFiles is redundant with crash.User,
crash.KernelCrash.mock_consent, and ui.ChromeCrashLoggedIn*.

It is also a source of instability (see linked bug) and doesn't provide
additional signal beyond the above-mentioned tast tests.


Cq-Depend: chromium:2591792
Change-Id: Ic06258e45cdb22571301cc43c5bd8f71ed173cb9
Tested-by: Miriam Zimmerman <>
Reviewed-by: Ian Barkley-Yeung <>
Commit-Queue: Miriam Zimmerman <>
diff --git a/server/site_tests/logging_GenerateCrashFiles/ b/server/site_tests/logging_GenerateCrashFiles/
deleted file mode 100644
index c8cc4e1..0000000
--- a/server/site_tests/logging_GenerateCrashFiles/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file
-AUTHOR = "Chromium OS Team"
-NAME = "logging_GenerateCrashFiles.CHROME"
-PURPOSE = "Verify that Chome browser crash files are generated."
-TEST_CATEGORY = "Functional"
-TEST_CLASS = "logging"
-TEST_TYPE = "server"
-ATTRIBUTES = "suite:usb_detect"
-DOC = """
-Crash Chrome and confirm log files are generated.
-def run(machine):
-    host = hosts.create_host(machine)
-    crash_cmd = "chrome://inducebrowsercrashforrealz"
-    crash_files = ["core", "dmp", "meta", "log", "proclog"]
-    prefix = "chrome"
-    job.run_test("logging_GenerateCrashFiles", host=host,
-                 crash_cmd=crash_cmd, crash_files=crash_files,
-                 prefix=prefix, tag="CHROME")
-parallel_simple(run, machines)
diff --git a/server/site_tests/logging_GenerateCrashFiles/control.kernel b/server/site_tests/logging_GenerateCrashFiles/control.kernel
deleted file mode 100644
index f975606..0000000
--- a/server/site_tests/logging_GenerateCrashFiles/control.kernel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-AUTHOR = "Chromium OS Team"
-NAME = "logging_GenerateCrashFiles.KERNEL"
-PURPOSE = "Verify that process crash files are generated."
-TEST_CATEGORY = "Functional"
-TEST_CLASS = "logging"
-TEST_TYPE = "server"
-ATTRIBUTES = "suite:usb_detect,suite:manual_platform_suite"
-DOC = """
-Crash process and confirm log files are generated.
-def run(machine):
-    host = hosts.create_host(machine)
-    crash_cmd = "echo BUG > /sys/kernel/debug/provoke-crash/DIRECT"
-    crash_files = ["kcrash", "meta"]
-    prefix = "kernel"
-    job.run_test("logging_GenerateCrashFiles", host=host,
-                 crash_cmd=crash_cmd, crash_files=crash_files,
-                 prefix=prefix, tag="KERNEL")
-parallel_simple(run, machines)
diff --git a/server/site_tests/logging_GenerateCrashFiles/control.process b/server/site_tests/logging_GenerateCrashFiles/control.process
deleted file mode 100644
index f28cf1a..0000000
--- a/server/site_tests/logging_GenerateCrashFiles/control.process
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-AUTHOR = "Chromium OS Team"
-NAME = "logging_GenerateCrashFiles.PROCESS"
-PURPOSE = "Verify that process crash files are generated."
-TEST_CATEGORY = "Functional"
-TEST_CLASS = "logging"
-TEST_TYPE = "server"
-ATTRIBUTES = "suite:usb_detect,suite:manual_platform_suite"
-DOC = """
-Crash process and confirm log files are generated.
-def run(machine):
-    host = hosts.create_host(machine)
-    crash_cmd = "killall -w -s SEGV /usr/bin/powerd"
-    crash_files = ["core", "dmp", "meta", "log"]
-    prefix = "powerd"
-    job.run_test("logging_GenerateCrashFiles", host=host,
-                 crash_cmd=crash_cmd, crash_files=crash_files,
-                 prefix=prefix, tag="PROCESS")
-parallel_simple(run, machines)
diff --git a/server/site_tests/logging_GenerateCrashFiles/control.render b/server/site_tests/logging_GenerateCrashFiles/control.render
deleted file mode 100644
index c4cbfdc..0000000
--- a/server/site_tests/logging_GenerateCrashFiles/control.render
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file
-AUTHOR = "Chromium OS Team"
-NAME = "logging_GenerateCrashFiles.RENDER"
-PURPOSE = "Verify that Chome browser crash files are generated."
-TEST_CATEGORY = "Functional"
-TEST_CLASS = "logging"
-TEST_TYPE = "server"
-ATTRIBUTES = "suite:usb_detect"
-DOC = """
-Crash Chrome and confirm log files are generated.
-def run(machine):
-    host = hosts.create_host(machine)
-    crash_cmd = "chrome://crash"
-    crash_files = ["core", "dmp", "meta", "log", "proclog"]
-    prefix = "chrome"
-    job.run_test("logging_GenerateCrashFiles", host=host,
-                 crash_cmd=crash_cmd, crash_files=crash_files,
-                 prefix=prefix, tag="RENDER")
-parallel_simple(run, machines)
diff --git a/server/site_tests/logging_GenerateCrashFiles/ b/server/site_tests/logging_GenerateCrashFiles/
deleted file mode 100644
index 382ce6e..0000000
--- a/server/site_tests/logging_GenerateCrashFiles/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import logging
-from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
-from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
-from autotest_lib.client.cros.crash.crash_test import CrashTest
-from autotest_lib.server import autotest, test
-class logging_GenerateCrashFiles(test.test):
-    """Tests if crash files are generated when crash is invoked."""
-    version = 2
-    def get_file_diff(self):
-        """ Gets the current files and forms the diff
-            @returns difference of file sets
-        """
-        out ='ls %s' % self.location, ignore_status=True)
-        current_files = out.stdout.strip().split('\n')
-        file_diff = set(current_files) - set(self.existing_files)
-"Crash files diff: %s" % str(file_diff))
-        return file_diff
-    def check_missing_crash_files(self, expected_extensions,prefix):
-        """Find if the crash dumps with appropriate extensions are created.
-        @param expected_extensions: matching crash file extensions.
-        @param prefix: matching crash file prefix.
-        @raises TestFail error if crash files are not generated.
-        """
-        crash_extensions = list()
-        utils.poll_for_condition(
-               lambda: len(self.get_file_diff()) != 0, sleep_interval=5,
-               exception=error.TestFail("Crash files not generated in time."),
-               timeout=self.WAIT_FOR_CRASH_FILES)
-        file_diff = self.get_file_diff()
-        # Check empty files, prefix, and extension of crash files.
-        for crash_file in file_diff:
-            if crash_file.split('.')[0] != prefix:
-                continue
-            file_path = self.location + '/' + crash_file
-            if '0' =="du -h %s" % file_path).stdout[:1]:
-                raise error.TestFail('Crash file is empty: %s' % crash_file)
-            crash_extensions.append(crash_file.split('.')[-1])
-        # Check for presence of all crash file extensions.
-        extension_diff = set(expected_extensions) - set(crash_extensions)
-        if len(extension_diff) > 0:
-            raise error.TestFail('%s files not generated.' % extension_diff)
-        # Remove existing file crash files, if any.
-        for crash_file in file_diff:
-  'rm %s' % self.location + '/' + crash_file)
-    def open_browser_crash_url(self, start_url):
-        """ Logs in and Opens crash url in browser tab
-        param@ start_url URL to induce the browser crash
-        """
-        autotest_client = autotest.Autotest(
-        autotest_client.run_test('desktopui_SimpleLogin',
-                                  start_url=start_url,
-                                  exit_without_logout=True)
-    def run_once(self, host, crash_cmd, crash_files, prefix):
- = host
-        # Sync the file system.
-'sync', ignore_status=True)
-        file_list ='ls %s' % self.CRASH_DIR, ignore_status=True)
-        self.existing_files = file_list.stdout.strip().split('\n')
-        self.location = self.CRASH_DIR
-        # Execute crash command.
-        if (prefix == 'chrome'):
-  "OPENING BROWSER for %s" % crash_cmd)
-            self.open_browser_crash_url(crash_cmd)
-            self.location = self.CHROME_CRASH_DIR
-        else:
-            boot_id = host.get_boot_id()
-  , ignore_status=True,
-                          timeout=30, ignore_timeout=True)
-            logging.debug('Crash invoked!')
-            # To check If the device has rebooted after kernel crash
-            if(prefix == 'kernel'):
-                # In case of kernel crash the reboot will take some time.
-                host.ping_wait_up(self.REBOOT_TIMEOUT)
-                if(boot_id == host.get_boot_id()):
-                    raise error.TestFail('Device not rebooted')
-        # Sync the file system.
-'sync', ignore_status=True)
-        self.check_missing_crash_files(crash_files,prefix)