blob: 1bf0ca919970a4dd19699763a219c7156aec64f8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""This module provides the test utilities for audio tests using chameleon."""
# TODO (cychiang) Move test utilities from chameleon_audio_helpers
# to this module.
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.cros import constants
def check_audio_nodes(audio_facade, audio_nodes):
"""Checks the node selected by Cros device is correct.
@param audio_facade: A RemoteAudioFacade to access audio functions on
Cros device.
@param audio_nodes: A tuple (out_audio_nodes, in_audio_nodes) containing
expected selected output and input nodes.
@raises: error.TestFail if the nodes selected by Cros device are not expected.
curr_out_nodes, curr_in_nodes = audio_facade.get_selected_node_types()
out_audio_nodes, in_audio_nodes = audio_nodes
if (in_audio_nodes != None and
sorted(curr_in_nodes) != sorted(in_audio_nodes)):
raise error.TestFail('Wrong input node(s) selected %s '
'instead %s!' % (str(curr_in_nodes), str(in_audio_nodes)))
if (out_audio_nodes != None and
sorted(curr_out_nodes) != sorted(out_audio_nodes)):
raise error.TestFail('Wrong output node(s) selected %s '
'instead %s!' % (str(curr_out_nodes), str(out_audio_nodes)))
def check_plugged_nodes(audio_facade, audio_nodes):
"""Checks the nodes that are currently plugged on Cros device are correct.
@param audio_facade: A RemoteAudioFacade to access audio functions on
Cros device.
@param audio_nodes: A tuple (out_audio_nodes, in_audio_nodes) containing
expected plugged output and input nodes.
@raises: error.TestFail if the plugged nodes on Cros device are not expected.
curr_out_nodes, curr_in_nodes = audio_facade.get_plugged_node_types()
out_audio_nodes, in_audio_nodes = audio_nodes
if (in_audio_nodes != None and
sorted(curr_in_nodes) != sorted(in_audio_nodes)):
raise error.TestFail('Wrong input node(s) plugged %s '
'instead %s!' % (str(curr_in_nodes), str(in_audio_nodes)))
if (out_audio_nodes != None and
sorted(curr_out_nodes) != sorted(out_audio_nodes)):
raise error.TestFail('Wrong output node(s) plugged %s '
'instead %s!' % (str(curr_out_nodes), str(out_audio_nodes)))
def bluetooth_nodes_plugged(audio_facade):
"""Checks bluetooth nodes are plugged.
@param audio_facade: A RemoteAudioFacade to access audio functions on
Cros device.
@raises: error.TestFail if either input or output bluetooth node is
not plugged.
curr_out_nodes, curr_in_nodes = audio_facade.get_plugged_node_types()
return 'BLUETOOTH' in curr_out_nodes and 'BLUETOOTH' in curr_in_nodes
def _get_board_name(host):
"""Gets the board name.
@param host: The CrosHost object.
@returns: The board name.
return host.get_board().split(':')[1]
def has_internal_speaker(host):
"""Checks if the Cros device has speaker.
@param host: The CrosHost object.
@returns: True if Cros device has internal speaker. False otherwise.
board_name = _get_board_name(host)
if host.get_board_type() == 'CHROMEBOX' and board_name != 'stumpy':'Board %s does not have speaker.', board_name)
return False
return True
def has_internal_microphone(host):
"""Checks if the Cros device has internal microphone.
@param host: The CrosHost object.
@returns: True if Cros device has internal microphone. False otherwise.
board_name = _get_board_name(host)
if host.get_board_type() == 'CHROMEBOX':'Board %s does not have internal microphone.', board_name)
return False
return True
def has_dedicated_hdmi(host):
"""Checks if the Cros device has a dedicated HDMI output plugged.
@param host: The CrosHost object.
@returns: True if Cros device has HDMI plugged. False otherwise.
board_name = _get_board_name(host)
if board_name in _BOARDS_WITH_DEDICATED_HDMI:'Board %s has HDMI plugged.', board_name)
return True
return False
def suspend_resume(host, suspend_time_secs, resume_network_timeout_secs=50):
"""Performs the suspend/resume on Cros device.
@param suspend_time_secs: Time in seconds to let Cros device suspend.
@resume_network_timeout_secs: Time in seconds to let Cros device resume and
obtain network.
def action_suspend():
"""Calls the host method suspend."""
boot_id = host.get_boot_id()
proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=action_suspend)"Suspending...")
proc.daemon = True
host.test_wait_for_sleep(suspend_time_secs / 3)"DUT suspended! Waiting to resume...")
boot_id, suspend_time_secs + resume_network_timeout_secs)"DUT resumed!")
def dump_cros_audio_logs(host, audio_facade, directory, suffix=''):
"""Dumps logs for audio debugging from Cros device.
@param host: The CrosHost object.
@param audio_facade: A RemoteAudioFacade to access audio functions on
Cros device.
@directory: The directory to dump logs.
def get_file_path(name):
"""Gets file path to dump logs.
@param name: The file name.
@returns: The file path with an optional suffix.
file_name = '%s.%s' % (name, suffix) if suffix else name
file_path = os.path.join(directory, file_name)
return file_path
host.get_file('/var/log/messages', get_file_path('messages'))