ChromeOS Flex HWIS

HWIS is the ChromeOS Flex Hardware Information Service. This utility and library collects and sends hardware information from ChromeOS Flex devices to a server. This information is used to perform impact analysis when dealing with releases, particularly in terms of support regressions, but also for adding support for new hardware with a new release. Having a full hardware profile of a machine also allows us to diagnose unique hardware component interactions.

All hardware information sent by the utility is obtained from cros_healthd via the mojo interface and translated into the protobuf format. Before sending the data, the following checking steps are required:

  1. Check last run time The ChromeOS Flex HWIS utility will run after the user successfully logs in. The utility needs to check if it has run successfully within the last 24 hours. If it has been less than 24 hours since a successful run, then the utility exits.

  2. Confirm user permission The utility needs to check if the user permission is granted. In the unmanaged case, the tool will check if permission has been granted via the OOBE. In the managed case, the utility needs to check that the following device management policies are enabled:

    • ReportDeviceSystemInfo
    • ReportDeviceCpuInfo
    • ReportDeviceGraphicsStatus
    • ReportDeviceMemoryInfo
    • ReportDeviceVersionInfo
    • ReportDeviceNetworkConfiguration
  3. Read and check the UUID The utility should read the UUID from /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid and store it at /var/lib/flex_hwis_tool/uuid. If the UUID was just generated, the client will interact with the server by POST request. If the UUID already exists, then it will be a PUT request.

Disk metrics

The flex_disk_metrics directory contains a tool for sending metrics about the disk partition layout. Normal ChromeOS boards have a fixed disk layout for the lifetime of the board, but ChromeOS Flex has long-lived installations and occasionally migrates the disk layout during the update process.

The flex_disk_metrics tool runs once per boot via an upstart task. You can run flex_disk_metrics directly to see it in action (or start flex_disk_metrics to run it in minijail via upstart).

The partition metrics can be checked locally by navigating to chrome://histograms. The current set of metrics:

  • Platform.FlexPartitionSize.EFI-SYSTEM
  • Platform.FlexPartitionSize.KERN-A
  • Platform.FlexPartitionSize.KERN-B
  • Platform.FlexPartitionSize.ROOT-A
  • Platform.FlexPartitionSize.ROOT-B

These are sparse metrics, meaning the exact value is reported rather than a bucket spanning a range of values.