tree: 7ae0c6cd197309ef33bafbd66c73521bd61d61cd [path history] [tgz]
  1. device_inheritance.gv
  2. profile_inheritance.gv
  3. provider_inheritance.gv
  5. service_inheritance.gv
  6. vpn_driver_inheritance.gv

Don't add binary image files. Create a diagram using GraphViz, and follow these instructions to generate an SVG from it and upload it to GS bucket:


# Generate SVG file
dot -Tsvg provider_inheritance.gv -o out.svg
# Upload to GS bucket
~/chromiumos/website/scripts/ out.svg
# Get the hash from the generated file `out.svg.sha1`
# Use the hash in your document as follow:
#![Alt text](<hash>)

Store the GraphViz code for each diagram on a separate file.