
This document is meant to show how to provision the salting key for pinweaver-csme with the new executable pinweaver_provision.


Pinweaver-csme is a project that implements Pinweaver with CSME and a TPM 2.0 chip. Provisioning the TPM salting key dedicated to serving the purpose of this work is a key component of security.

The provisioning process for pinweaver-csme is, in brief, to provision a salting key that is exclusively for CSME's use. Specifically it computes the (ECC) salting key hash ( sha256 of concat X coordinate and Y coordinate of the salting key), sends it to CSME, and asks CSME for committing the value. In the future, CSME can verify the salting key that is returned by TPM in the future by comparing the hash value.

Supported subcommands

pinweaver_provision --provision

it provisions the salting key for pinweaver-csme. Specifically, it persists the salting key in TPM to a persistent object handle that is well-known to CSME ; then, it calls CSME to set and commit the hash of that salting key hash to fuses so CSME can verify the salting key in the future. If the device has built-in pinweaver support by GSC (e.g., cr50), the content to provision is all 0s, in order to disable the pinweaver functionality by CSME.

If the salting key is persisted already, it skips the persisting process.

If the salting key hash is already committed, the tool compares the salting key hash against what is read back from CSME. In case of a mismatched result it raises an error and returns a non-zero value. Once the provisioning is done once, calling this subcommand should also return success (i.e. returning 0).

pinweaver_provision --init_owner

It asks CSME to initialize the resources after TPM clear. In particular, the necessary NV spaces in TPM are allocated per request by CSME. Note that if the device is provisioned w/ all-0s, this command will fail.

Default subcommand

There is no default subcommand if none is given. One has to specify the subcommand explicitly. It prints the usage and returns a non-zero value if the subcommand is wrong, or none is given.


Both subcommands are required to be run w/ empty TPM passwords; otherwise the operations should fail. Here are the rationales:

  • CSME allocates the NV space with empty owner password authorization. Thus, --init_owner requires the owner password to be empty.

  • Attempts of creating salting key with empty endorsement password authorization, and persisting the key with empty owner password authorization. Thus, --provision requires the empty owner/endorsement password to be empty.

Note that the tpm_managerd sets the owner password automatically at first boot after TPM clear. In order to stop tpm_managerd from setting the password, one will needs to use a factory image or push the factory tools to the device before clearing the TPM. See [Google Chromium OS Factory Software Platform] for the instruction. W/o the factory toolkit, one can also somehow touch the flag file /run/tpm_manager/no_preinit before tpm_managerd starts up, but there is no official support for a non-factory test image to do that.

In addition to the empty authorization values, pinweaver_provision --init_owner works only if the salting key hash is provisioned. Even w/ empty owner/endorsement authorization, CSME fails to initialize due to failed verification against committed salting key hash.

Recommended provisioning flow

The following series of operations is one way of performing the key provisioning.

  • TPM clear and reboot. This is mandatory so the TPM authorization values are empty.
  • Run pinweaver_provision --provision to provision the salting key. This persists the salting key of interest in TPM and persists its hash in CSME in a write-once manner. This is mandatory so the key is provisioned.
  • Run pinweaver_provision --init_owner. This is strongly recommended as a verification that the initialization process by CSME with the provisioned salting key.
  • Run pinweaver_client selftest. This is an existing tool that exercises most of pinweaver operations. Hopefully it can help us catch SW bugs and an end-to-end integration of CSME+TPM after provisioning.

Google Chromium OS Factory Software Platform