tree: ef44b842f0a62ba1f23f27bd16848b9105cec045 [path history] [tgz]
  1. src/
  2. tests/
  3. Cargo.toml


This module provides a procedural macro for automatically implementing the RPC boilerplate given a Rust trait. For an example see the smoke test. It currently uses RefCell, so single threaded usage is assumed (This can change if needed, but we would want to specify single vs multi-threaded).

To apply the macro:

  • Add #[sirenia_rpc] before the trait definition.
  • Ensure the trait has a type Error field.
  • Ensure all the parameters and return types of all trait member functions:
    • Implement Clone, Debug, Deserialize, and Serialize (Clone can possibly be dropped in the future).
    • Are types without non-static lifetimes (this can possibly be relaxed in the future if needed).

Once applied to a trait MyTrait the macro provides:

  • A MyTraitServer trait
  • A MyTraitClient struct that wraps a libsirenia::transport::Transport object.
  • Corresponding implementations of libsirenia::rpc::MessageHandler for Box<dyn MyTraitServer> and MyTrait for MyTraitClient.