
Utilities for screen capturing for dev/test images for working with screen capture.


Provides a screenshot of the current display. Useful for capturing what's on the display when test has failed, for example. Not all devices are supported yet, so your mileage may vary.


VNC server using the same infrastructure as screenshot for grabbing display.

Here’s a quick rundown of how to use kmsvnc.

kmsvnc usage diagram

(DUT)# kmsvnc

VNC server will start listening on port 5900. Forward the port with SSH from your client, and connect through the port. Example:

(workstation)$ ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 DUT

Then connect using a VNC client, such as VNC Viewer for Google Chrome to localhost:5900. It will ask you if you want to connect unauthenticated, here we are relying on ssh forwarding to restrict who can connect.

TODO(http://b/187650823): Update VNC Viewer recommendation with another app that works well as VNC Viewer for Google Chrome is unlaunched.

Reporting bugs

TODO(uekawa): set up component for crbug.

For Googlers please use http://go/kmsvnc-bug to file a bug. Current known issues are available at http://b/hotlistid:2869886

Development notes

Building and testing

For development I typically deploy to /usr/local/ because tests expect them there.

$ BOARD=rammus-arc-r
$ setup_board --board=${BOARD}  # required only once per board.
$ cros_workon --board=${BOARD} start screen-capture-utils
$ emerge-${BOARD} -j 100 chromeos-base/screen-capture-utils
$ cros deploy --root=/usr/local/ localhost:2229 chromeos-base/screen-capture-utils
$ tast run localhost:2229 graphics.KmsvncConnect
$ tast run localhost:2229 graphics.Smoke.platform

For debugging I typically need to deploy to /usr/sbin, from inside chroot

$ cros deploy localhost:2229 chromeos-base/screen-capture-utils
$ gdb-${BOARD} --remote=localhost:2229 /usr/sbin/kmsvnc