Chrome OS Build codelab

This codelab walks through an example for

  • modifying code in a userspace program,
  • running unit tests,
  • deploying it to a device,
  • and uploading the change for review.

Make sure that you already have a Chromebook, and know how to build an image and flash it to your device. Instructions are at:

Ensure that you have built a test image on your workstation and flashed it onto your DUT before proceeding. If using an official image, you will get confusing errors when deploying. See for details.

Sync and create a new branch

First, sync your local repository so that it's up to date.

$ cd ~/chromiumos/
$ repo sync

# Build packages again after performing repo sync to avoid build issues
$ ./build_packages --board=${BOARD}

Start a new branch, called codelab in the platform2 git repository.

$ cd src/platform2
$ repo start codelab

Build your code

Build commands must be run inside the chroot. Like the developer guide, we annotate commands that run inside the chroot with (inside).

Then, use cros_workon to “start” working on the package. This will force the build system to build from source instead of using a prebuilt result. Without making this change, emerge may use a prebuilt version of the package, and you'll never see your change applied.

(inside)$ cros_workon --board=${BOARD} start chromeos-base/codelab

Now, you are able to make builds that use your local changes. Feel free to edit or the corresponding test. Once you've made changes, you can build your package one of two ways:

# Faster, skips emerge build system
(inside)$ cros_workon_make --board={BOARD} chromeos-base/codelab

# Same flow as build_packages
(inside)$ emerge-${BOARD} chromeos-base/codelab

After emerge, you can see that the binary is built on your workstation:

(inside)$ ls -l /build/${BOARD}/usr/bin/codelab

Test your code

Again, two options:

# Faster, skips emerge build system
(inside)$ cros_workon_make --board={BOARD} chromeos-base/codelab --test

# Using emerge to build files
(inside)$ FEATURES=test emerge-${BOARD} chromeos-base/codelab

Currently all tests pass, but one is disabled. If you edit codelab/, you can see that there is a multiply test with a DISABLED_ prefix. Remove that prefix to enable the test, and fix the code in so that the test passes.

Deploy binary to a Chromebook

To deploy this binary to your DUT (device under test), you can use the cros deploy command. Once deployed, you can run it on your local system.

# If you've been using cros_workon_make to iterate, now you have to "install".
# Emerge does this step automatically.
(inside)$ cros_workon_make --board={BOARD} chromeos-base/codelab --install

(inside)$ cros deploy ${DUT_IP_ADDRESS} chromeos-base/codelab
(on dut)$ /usr/bin/codelab

Hooray! You've built a package and run it locally on your Chromebook.

Creating a commit and uploading to gerrit

Now that you've tested your change, and it looks good, create a git commit with containing the edits that you made

$ git add codelab/ codelab/
$ git commit
$ repo upload .

The first two git commands create a commit in your local git repository. The “repo upload” step uploads the commit to Gerrit for code review. At this point, you‘d typically add a reviewer, and then submit your change through the commit queue. However, to keep the codelab reusable, you can just abandon the commit that you’ve uploaded to gerrit by clicking “Abandon” in the gerrit UI.