

run_oci is a minimalistic container runtime that is (mostly) compatible with the OCI runtime spec.

Chrome OS extensions

The OCI runtime spec allows implementations to add additional properties for extensibility.

Chrome OS adds the following extensions:

Pre-chroot hooks

There are some bind-mounts that cannot be specified in the config file, since the source paths for them are not fixed (e.g. the user's cryptohome path), or can be enabled dynamically at runtime depending on Chrome Variations.

During the container setup in Chrome OS, there is a small window of time when the container's mount namespace is completely set up, but chroot(2) has not been yet called, so bind mounts that cross the chroot boundary can still be performed.

The hooks object has been extended to also contain the following:

  • prechroot: (array of objects, OPTIONAL) - is an array of pre-chroot hooks. Entries in the array have the same schema as pre-start entries, and are run in the outer namespace after all the entries in mounts have been mounted, but before chroot(2) has been invoked.

Example (Chrome OS)

    "hooks": {
        "prechroot": [
                "path": "/usr/sbin/arc-setup",
                "args": ["arc-setup", "--pre-chroot"]

Linux device node dynamic minor numbers

Device nodes that have well-known major/minor numbers are normally added to the devices array, whereas device nodes that have dynamic major/minor numbers are typically bind-mounted. Android running in Chrome OS needs to have device node files created in the container rather than bind-mounted, since Android expects the files to have different permissions and/or SELinux attributes.

The objects in the devices array has been extended to also contain the following:

  • dynamicMinor (boolean, OPTIONAL) - copies the minor number from the device node that is present in path outside the container. If dynamicMinor is set to true, the value of minor is ignored.

Example (Chrome OS)

    "linux": {
        "devices": [
                "path": "/dev/binder",
                "type": "c",
                "major": 10,
                "dynamicMinor": true,
                "fileMode": 438,
                "uid": 0,
                "gid": 0