ALS + backlight powerd prefs


This document describes the interaction between powerd prefs related to ambient light sensors (ALS), backlights (both internal / panel and keyboard), and Ambient EQ.


ALSAmbient light sensor.
powerd prefParameters in powerd that can be set per board or model. File name format is internal_backlight_als_steps in powerd.
Default prefPart of powerd pref. Default value is in the file.
Optional prefPart of powerd pref. Default value is in the code.
PanelInternal display.
Ambient EQColor temperature of the internal display.

Powerd pref and chromeos_config

Used in the order listed in Chrome OS Power Management FAQ. If you intend to set a pref to a different value from in powerd, please set in chromeos_config and/or boxster. Links to pref files in powerd are provided as example values.


No keyboard backlight

With keyboard backlight


No keyboard backlight

With keyboard backlight

2 ALS: 1 for internal display backlight, 1 for keyboard backlight

Summary of the above

ALSKB backlighthas_ambient_light_sensorhas_keyboard_backlightConsider set other powerd prefs
0N0 or not set0 or not setinternal_backlight_no_als_ac_brightness, internal_backlight_no_als_battery_brightness
0Y0 or not set1internal_backlight_no_als_ac_brightness, internal_backlight_no_als_battery_brightness, keyboard_backlight_no_als_brightness
1N10 or not setinternal_backlight_als_steps
1Y11internal_backlight_als_steps, keyboard_backlight_als_steps
2Y21internal_backlight_als_steps, keyboard_backlight_als_steps

Ambient EQ

Needs official sign off to enable Ambient EQ. Make sure that the color ALS is well tuned, and set the coefficients in EC (example). On top of the settings above, set allow_ambient_eq to 1.