Chrome OS Federated Computation Service


The federated computation service provides a common runtime for federated analytics (F.A.) and federated learning (F.L.). The service wraps the federated computation client which communicates with the federated computation server, receives and manages examples from its clients (usually in Chromium) and schedules the learning/analytics plan. See go/cros-federated-design for a design overview.

Privacy and Security Review

Each client should have its own privacy & security reviewed launch for usage of Mojo API to store training data. That's because:

  1. Each federated computation method has different security/privacy properties, e.g. whether the task has Secure Aggregation enabled.
  2. Each type of training data has different privacy considerations when stored on the cryptohome, potentially with different TTL requirements.

Step by step guide

Each federated client consists of two major parts: a task that is deployed on Brella server (server side), and the ability to collect examples and schedule jobs for this task (ChromeOS/Chrome side).

Server side

Create a task group

Federated computations are packaged as “tasks” inside of a brella_task_group build rule. How to creating such task groups is not the focus of this doc, please refer to brella team's tutorials:

ChromeOS federated service requires task groups to set runtime = chromeos. The runtime indicates a task_group's targeted platform. The rule “brella_task_group” will generate a bunch of compatibility tests based on the runtime setting to make sure the task group is compatible with the platform. For ChromeOS this helps verify the brella client library ( contains all necessary TF ops. See Fix selective ops registration for more details.

Deploy the task_group to Brella server

In order to use Brella to execute federated tasks, owners must check-in an instance of the FederatedTasksConfig proto message in a file named federated_tasks.pbtxt. See go/brella-comp-onboarding.

For ChromeOS platform clients, a new folder should be created in google3/intelligence/brella/config/prod/chromeos/. And inside the folder there can be several sub-directories indicating various launch stages, e.g. “dev”, “dogfood”, “prod”. The federated_tasks.pbtxt files are located inside launch_stage path with population_name=“chromeos/<client_name>/<launch_stage>”. See client “timezone_code_phh” as an example.

Each federated_tasks.pbtxt file in the launch stage directories represents a deployed task, although the task group field can be the same or be derived from a common base task group by setting the extends field of brella_task_group rule, which allows tuning the configuration of the task in different launch stages, e.g. report_goal could be a smaller number when launch stage is dev or dogfood.

federated_tasks: "chromeos/<client_name>" should be also added to the ChromeOS entry of google3/intelligence/brella/config/prod/registry.pbtxt. After that, new launch_stage directories created in this path can be auto-detected and deployed to the server.

ChromeOS/Chrome side

Collect examples

Code to collect examples for the new clients usually lives in Chrome side. The owners of the client are responsible to implement the logic to collect info and generate examples, and report them to federated service via mojo interface.

Register new client

Add the new client to in this repo. The metadata is pretty simple, it only contains the unique client name, a retry_token which is usually an empty string, and a launch_stage.

At the start, the launch_stage can be set to “dev” and it can be configured through Finch (In this Finch example, client “timezone_code_phh” set launch_stage to “dogfood” for the dogfood group). Once the project becomes stable, the parameter can be changed to “prod”.

Fix selective ops registration

To optimize the size of brella client library, we use TensorFlow selective ops registration approach when building, which means the built-in TensorFlow does not contain all ops, and therefore it may not support the new task groups. These failures can be captured when creating task groups and setting runtime = chromeos. This doc Selective op registration of ChromeOS fcp build describes how to find the missing ops and add them to ChromeOS

Fix the seccomp

Because federated-service runs inside sandbox, sometimes the tasks introduced by new clients may require new syscalls that are blocked by minijail. Reach out to when running into such issues.

Rollout with Finch

New clients should define their Finch flags in ash/constants/ash_features.h/cc, and add an entry to kClientFeatureMap. After that, owners can use the Finch flag and associated feature parameter “launch_stage” to control whether the client is enabled and its launch_stage. See go/finch-slides for details.