tree: a40a6dea4c6fba7d068ab5fd3ebbfaec06c00e6a [path history] [tgz]
  1. dbus/
  2. dbus_bindings/
  3. libsirenia/
  4. manatee-client/
  5. manatee-runtime/
  6. rsyslog/
  7. seccomp/
  8. src/
  9. tmpfiles.d/
  10. upstart/
  11. .gitignore
  13. Cargo.toml
  14. OWNERS

ManaTEE Runtime Environment

This platform2 subproject includes the ManaTEE runtime environment (sirenia), the middleware for ManaTEE apps (manatee-runtime), and the API for communicating with ManaTEE from Chrome OS (manatee-client).

For tips and guidance on developing sirenia see the sirenia developer guide. The shared code for the various sub-modules mostly is located in libsirenia.

For tips and guidance on writing TEE apps see creating a new TEE app.

Ebuild dependencies to include:


sirenia makes up the bulk of the ManaTEE runtime code. It is named after the taxonomic family manatees belong to. It provides the support for running TEE applications, providing them with storage and crypto APIs, and a communication channel with the OS. The 2 main components of sirenia are the hypervisor daemon trichechus, and the Chrome OS guest daemon dugong.


trichechus is the TEE application life-cycle manager. It is named after the genus manatees belong to. It serves the following purposes related to TEE applications:

  1. Loading and validation
  2. Instance management
    • Establishing communication
    • Launching
    • Sandboxing
    • Cleaning up
  3. Serving the app with APIs
    • Storage
    • Derived Secrets
  4. Logging and (TODO) crash dump collection


dugong is the broker daemon on Chrome OS that communicates with Trichechus. It is named after the cousin genus to manatees since this runs on the Chrome OS guest, but is closely related to ManaTEE and Trichechus. Dugong implements the org.chromium.ManaTEEInterface D-Bus interface as the org.chromium.ManaTEE end point. This facilitates Chrome OS services sending requests to trichechus.

Its roles include:

  1. Validating permissions. This is mostly delegated to D-Bus by exposing sub interfaces for each TEE app. Access control to these interfaces is enforced by the D-Bus access policy.
  2. Fetching TEE app binaries for trichechus.
  3. Routing log events and (TODO) crash reports.

Note: per TEE app interfaces are programmatically implemented at org.chromium.manatee.<app_dbus_identifier> where <app_dbus_identifier> is the app name registered in the app-info manifest with any hyphens - replaced with underscores _ for compatibility. This allows for per app D-Bus policies to be written for access control similar to the general D-Bus access policy.

The interface description can be found in the register_dbus_interface_for_app function in


This is a tool for linting and converting TEE app-info manifest entries. Digests are sometimes included in manifest entries, so the linter provides some functionality to help populate these digests at build time.

Here are some examples for populating the digest for:

Internal Modules

Sirenia includes a few modules of library code specific to dugong and/or trichechus. These modules include:

app-info: TEE app-info manifest handling logic.

secrets: Secret derivation logic.