tree: ce1f416001e790f9ea35fb72a3eb0cad0760b619 [path history] [tgz]
  1. sirenia-rpc-macros/
  2. src/
  4. Cargo.toml


The main library code for sirenia that is more general and useful for all parts of sirenia. These modules include:

Cli: Provides commonly used functionality for the command line invocation of dugong, trichechus, and the manatee command line tool.

Communication: General communication code that handles sending over a connection and serialization and deserialization. It also includes RPC specifications in the form of Rust traits.

Linux: All Linux specific code that is necessary for Sirenia. This includes events, which provides support for using EventMultiplexer, and syslog which provides a lite syslog receiver.

RPC: Abstractions used to implement remote-procedure-calls on-top of the communication and linux::event modules. Also see sirenia-rpc-macros which provides a procedural macro for automatically implementing the RPC boilerplate given a Rust trait.

Sandbox: Support code for using VMs or containers to sandbox TEE applications.

Storage: Abstractions used to back the TEE app storage API.

Sys: Low-level libc functionality that does not belong in the sys_util crate.

Transport: Abstractions over a combination of Rust traits needed to generalize the linux::event and communication modules for VSOCK, IP, and file descriptor pairs such as a pipes.