typecd is a system daemon for tracking the state of various USB Type C ports and connected peripherals on a Chromebook. It interfaces with the Linux Type C connector class framework to obtain notifications about Type C events, and to pull updated information about ports and port-partners state.
The general structure of the classes is best illustrated by a few diagrams:
Daemon | | | ------------------------------------------ | | | | | | | | UdevMonitor ---typec- udev- events---> PortManager
All communication and event notification between the Linux Kernel Type C connector class framework and typecd occurs through the udev mechanism. This class watches for any events of the typec
subsystem. Other classes (in this case, PortManager
) can register Observer
s with UdevMonitor
. When any notification occurs, UdevMonitor
calls the relevant function callback from the registered Observer
This class has basic parsing to determine which Observer
should be called (is this a port/partner/cable notification? is it add/remove/change?)
This class maintains a representation of all the state of a typec port exposed by the Type C connector class via sysfs. The primary entity for PortManager
is a Port.
PortManager(UdevMonitor::Observer) | | | --------------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | Port0 Port1 .... PortN
sub-classes UdevMonitor::Observer
, and registers itself to receive typec event notifications. In turn, it routes the notifications to the relevant object (Port, Partner, Cable) that the notification affects.
This class represents a physical Type C connector on the host, along with components that are connected to it. Each Port
has a sysfs path associated with it of the form /sys/class/typec/portX
where all the data (including relevant PD information) is exposed by the kernel. On udev events this sysfs directory is read to update the Port
's in-memory state. A Port
can be detailed as follows:
Port | | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | (sysfs path info) Partner Cable
This class represents a device/peripheral connected to a Port
. There can only be 1 partner for each Port
. Each Partner
has a sysfs path associated with it of the form /sys/class/typec/portX-partner
where all the data (including relevant PD information) is exposed by the kernel. On udev events this sysfs directory is read to update the Partner
's in-memory state.
This class also stores a list of Alternate Modes which are supported by the partner. Each Alternate mode is given an index according to the index ascribed to it by the kernel.
Partner | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | | | | | | | (sysfs path info) PD Identity info AltMode0 AltMode1 ... AltModeN
There are getters and setters to access the PD identity information (for example, {Get,Set}ProductVDO()
). There are also functions to retrieve information associated with partner altmodes, like getting a pointer to an altmode (GetAltMode()
This class represents a cable that connects a Port
to a Partner
. There can only be 1 cable for each Port
. Each Cable
has a sysfs path associated with it of the form /sys/class/typec/portX-cable
where the PD identity data is exposed by the kernel.
This class also stores a list of Alternate Modes which are supported by the cable. Each Alternate mode is given an index according to the index ascribed to it by the kernel. At present only SOP' cable plug alt modes are supported. Even though each cable plug (i.e SOP' and SOP'') has its own device and sysfs path (of the form /sys/class/typec/portX-plug.{0|1}
), since the Chrome OS Embedded Controller (EC) only enumerates SOP' alt modes, we don‘t create a separate class and instead just list the Alternate Modes of SOP’ as belonging to the associated Cable
When UdevMonitor
receives an add
event for a SOP' plug device, the Cable
code searches through the corresponding sysfs file and adds all the Alternate Modes associated with that file. We do this because the Type C connector class doesn‘t generate udev events for individual SOP’ cable plug alternate mode additions. TODO(b/174703000): Investigate why this is happening and fix it in the kernel.
Cable | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | | | | | | | (sysfs path info) PD Identity info SOP' AltMode0 SOP' AltMode1 ... SOP' AltModeN
There are getters and setters to access the PD identity information (for example, {Get,Set}ProductVDO()
). There are also functions to retrieve information associated with partner altmodes, like getting a pointer to an altmode (GetAltMode()