blob: 67fb24740eb3f68a112c52be53c0db65c334730b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "libtpmcrypto/tpm_proto_utils.h"
using brillo::SecureBlob;
namespace tpmcrypto {
TEST(TpmProtoUtilsTest, RoundTrip) {
SecureBlob sealed_key("sealed_key");
SecureBlob iv("iv");
SecureBlob tag("tag");
SecureBlob encrypted_data("encrypted_data");
// Serialize the blobs into a proto.
std::string serialized;
ASSERT_TRUE(CreateSerializedTpmCryptoProto(sealed_key, iv, tag,
encrypted_data, &serialized));
// Parse the blobs out of the proto.
SecureBlob parsed_sealed_key;
SecureBlob parsed_iv;
SecureBlob parsed_tag;
SecureBlob parsed_encrypted_data;
ASSERT_TRUE(ParseTpmCryptoProto(serialized, &parsed_sealed_key, &parsed_iv,
&parsed_tag, &parsed_encrypted_data));
// Verify the blobs that came back are the same as the ones put in.
EXPECT_EQ(sealed_key, parsed_sealed_key);
EXPECT_EQ(iv, parsed_iv);
EXPECT_EQ(tag, parsed_tag);
EXPECT_EQ(encrypted_data, parsed_encrypted_data);
TEST(TpmProtoUtilsTest, EmptyFields) {
SecureBlob sealed_key;
SecureBlob iv;
SecureBlob tag;
SecureBlob encrypted_data;
// Serialize the blobs into a proto, then parse them back out.
std::string serialized;
ASSERT_TRUE(CreateSerializedTpmCryptoProto(sealed_key, iv, tag,
encrypted_data, &serialized));
ParseTpmCryptoProto(serialized, &sealed_key, &iv, &tag, &encrypted_data));
// Verify the results are empty.
} // namespace tpmcrypto