blob: 0825c0f369214d7d54cf90b64186d795742679c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
namespace diagnostics {
class DpslGlobalContext;
// Interface of the class that performs the per-thread DPSL initialization and
// holds any thread-local resources it needs.
// It also manages the current thread's asynchronous task queue and provides the
// RunEventLoop() method that runs a loop running scheduled tasks and waiting
// for new ones. Normally, each thread that creates an instance of
// DpslThreadContext is expected to eventually call into RunEventLoop().
// void ThreadMain() {
// auto thread_context = DpslThreadContext::Create(...);
// ...
// thread_context->RunEventLoop();
// NOTE ON THREADING MODEL: Only the BelongsToCurrentThread() and the Post*()
// methods are allowed to be called from any thread. All other methods
// (including the destructor) must be called on the same thread on which the
// object was created.
// NOTE ON LIFETIME: At most one instance of this class must be created on any
// given thread.
// 1. An instance of DpslGlobalContext must exist during the whole lifetime of
// this object.
class DpslThreadContext {
// Factory method that returns an instance of the real implementation of this
// interface.
// This method must be called no more than once for any given thread.
// The return value is guaranteed to be non-null.
static std::unique_ptr<DpslThreadContext> Create(
DpslGlobalContext* global_context);
virtual ~DpslThreadContext() = default;
// Returns whether the current thread is the one on which this instance was
// created.
// This method is thread-safe: it's allowed to be called from any thread
// (as long as the object isn't created/destroyed concurrently).
virtual bool BelongsToCurrentThread() = 0;
// Runs an event loop in a blocking manner: processing the already scheduled
// tasks and waiting for new ones. This call blocks until the started event
// loop quits - either due to |QuitEventLoop| or due to some internal DPSL
// error.
// NOTE: It's forbidden to use nested message loops, i.e., call this method
// while another invocation of it is running.
virtual void RunEventLoop() = 0;
// Returns whether an invocation of RunEventLoop() is currently running.
virtual bool IsEventLoopRunning() = 0;
// Schedules the given function to be executed on the thread with which the
// object is associated.
// This method is thread-safe: it's allowed to be called from any thread
// (as long as the object isn't created/destroyed concurrently).
virtual void PostTask(std::function<void()> task) = 0;
// Sames as PostTask(), but the callback is scheduled to be executed to be
// executed approximately after the given timeout.
// |delay_milliseconds| must be non-negative.
// This method is thread-safe: it's allowed to be called from any thread
// (as long as the object isn't created/destroyed concurrently).
virtual void PostDelayedTask(std::function<void()> task,
int64_t delay_milliseconds) = 0;
// Quits the current event loop that is run via RunEventLoop(). The event loop
// will stop immediately after the currently running task completes.
// When no event loop is currently running, this method has no effect.
// NOTE: This method must only be called from the thread on which
// DpslThreadContext was created. In case the event loop is needed to be
// stopped from a different thread, employ the PostTask() method (with the
// callback that calls QuitEventLoop()).
virtual void QuitEventLoop() = 0;
} // namespace diagnostics