blob: ff9cc26a041dc79e7b8a0f9037bc5670811ee1a8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "diagnostics/cros_healthd/fetchers/cpu_fetcher.h"
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_enumerator.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/optional.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_split.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <re2/re2.h>
#include "diagnostics/cros_healthd/system/system_utilities_constants.h"
#include "diagnostics/cros_healthd/utils/cpu_file_helpers.h"
#include "diagnostics/cros_healthd/utils/error_utils.h"
#include "diagnostics/cros_healthd/utils/file_utils.h"
#include "diagnostics/cros_healthd/utils/procfs_utils.h"
namespace diagnostics {
namespace {
namespace mojo_ipc = ::chromeos::cros_healthd::mojom;
// Regex used to parse kCpuPresentFile.
constexpr char kPresentFileRegex[] = R"((\d+)-(\d+))";
// Pattern that all C-state directories follow.
constexpr char kCStateDirectoryMatcher[] = "state*";
// Keys used to parse information from /proc/cpuinfo.
constexpr char kModelNameKey[] = "model name";
constexpr char kPhysicalIdKey[] = "physical id";
constexpr char kProcessorIdKey[] = "processor";
// Regex used to parse /proc/stat.
constexpr char kRelativeStatFileRegex[] = R"(cpu(\d+)\s+(\d+) \d+ (\d+) (\d+))";
// Directory containing all CPU temperature subdirectories.
const char kHwmonDir[] = "sys/class/hwmon/";
// Subdirectory of sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/ which sometimes contains the CPU
// temperature files.
const char kDeviceDir[] = "device";
// Matches all CPU temperature subdirectories of |kHwmonDir|.
const char kHwmonDirectoryPattern[] = "hwmon*";
// Matches all files containing CPU temperatures.
const char kCPUTempFilePattern[] = "temp*_input";
// Contains the values parsed from /proc/stat for a single logical CPU.
struct ParsedStatContents {
uint64_t user_time_user_hz;
uint64_t system_time_user_hz;
uint32_t idle_time_user_hz;
// Read system temperature sensor data and appends it to |out_contents|. Returns
// |true| iff there was at least one sensor value in given |sensor_dir|.
bool ReadTemperatureSensorInfo(
const base::FilePath& sensor_dir,
std::vector<mojo_ipc::CpuTemperatureChannelPtr>* out_contents) {
bool has_data = false;
base::FileEnumerator enumerator(
sensor_dir, false, base::FileEnumerator::FILES, kCPUTempFilePattern);
for (base::FilePath temperature_path = enumerator.Next();
!temperature_path.empty(); temperature_path = enumerator.Next()) {
// Get appropriate temp*_label file.
std::string label_path = temperature_path.MaybeAsASCII();
if (label_path.empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to parse a path to temp*_input file as ASCII";
base::ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&label_path, 0, "input", "label");
base::FilePath name_path = sensor_dir.Append("name");
// Get the label describing this temperature. Use temp*_label
// if present, fall back on name file.
std::string label;
if (base::PathExists(base::FilePath(label_path))) {
ReadAndTrimString(base::FilePath(label_path), &label);
} else if (base::PathExists(base::FilePath(name_path))) {
ReadAndTrimString(name_path, &label);
// Read temperature in millidegree Celsius.
int32_t temperature = 0;
if (ReadInteger(temperature_path, base::StringToInt, &temperature)) {
has_data = true;
// Convert from millidegree Celsius to Celsius.
temperature /= 1000;
mojo_ipc::CpuTemperatureChannel channel;
if (!label.empty())
channel.label = label;
channel.temperature_celsius = temperature;
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to read CPU temp from "
<< temperature_path.MaybeAsASCII();
return has_data;
// Fetches and returns information about the device's CPU temperature channels.
std::vector<mojo_ipc::CpuTemperatureChannelPtr> GetCpuTemperatures(
const base::FilePath& root_dir) {
std::vector<mojo_ipc::CpuTemperatureChannelPtr> temps;
// Get directories /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*
base::FileEnumerator hwmon_enumerator(root_dir.AppendASCII(kHwmonDir), false,
for (base::FilePath hwmon_path = hwmon_enumerator.Next(); !hwmon_path.empty();
hwmon_path = hwmon_enumerator.Next()) {
// Get temp*_input files in hwmon*/ and hwmon*/device/
base::FilePath device_path = hwmon_path.Append(kDeviceDir);
if (base::PathExists(device_path)) {
// We might have hwmon*/device/, but sensor values are still in hwmon*/
if (!ReadTemperatureSensorInfo(device_path, &temps)) {
ReadTemperatureSensorInfo(hwmon_path, &temps);
} else {
ReadTemperatureSensorInfo(hwmon_path, &temps);
return temps;
// Gets the time spent in each C-state for the logical processor whose ID is
// |logical_id|. Returns base::nullopt if a required sysfs node was not found.
base::Optional<std::vector<mojo_ipc::CpuCStateInfoPtr>> GetCStates(
const base::FilePath& root_dir, const std::string logical_id) {
std::vector<mojo_ipc::CpuCStateInfoPtr> c_states;
// Find all directories matching /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuN/cpudidle/stateX.
base::FileEnumerator c_state_it(
GetCStateDirectoryPath(root_dir, logical_id), false,
base::FileEnumerator::SHOW_SYM_LINKS | base::FileEnumerator::FILES |
for (base::FilePath c_state_dir = c_state_it.Next(); !c_state_dir.empty();
c_state_dir = c_state_it.Next()) {
mojo_ipc::CpuCStateInfo c_state;
if (!ReadAndTrimString(c_state_dir, kCStateNameFile, & ||
!ReadInteger(c_state_dir, kCStateTimeFile, &base::StringToUint64,
&c_state.time_in_state_since_last_boot_us)) {
return base::nullopt;
return c_states;
// Reads and parses the total number of threads available on the device. Returns
// an error if encountered, otherwise returns base::nullopt and populates
// |num_total_threads|.
base::Optional<mojo_ipc::ProbeErrorPtr> GetNumTotalThreads(
const base::FilePath& root_dir, uint32_t* num_total_threads) {
std::string cpu_present;
auto cpu_dir = GetCpuDirectoryPath(root_dir);
if (!ReadAndTrimString(cpu_dir, kCpuPresentFile, &cpu_present)) {
return CreateAndLogProbeError(mojo_ipc::ErrorType::kFileReadError,
"Unable to read CPU present file: " +
// Two strings will be parsed directly from the regex, then converted to
// uint32_t's. Expect |cpu_present| to contain the pattern "%d-%d", where the
// first integer is strictly smaller than the second.
std::string low_thread_num;
std::string high_thread_num;
uint32_t low_thread_int;
uint32_t high_thread_int;
if (!RE2::FullMatch(cpu_present, kPresentFileRegex, &low_thread_num,
&high_thread_num) ||
!base::StringToUint(low_thread_num, &low_thread_int) ||
!base::StringToUint(high_thread_num, &high_thread_int)) {
return CreateAndLogProbeError(
"Unable to parse CPU present file: " + cpu_present);
DCHECK_GT(high_thread_int, low_thread_int);
*num_total_threads = high_thread_int - low_thread_int + 1;
return base::nullopt;
// Parses the contents of /proc/stat into a map of logical IDs to
// ParsedStatContents. Returns base::nullopt if an error was encountered while
// parsing.
base::Optional<std::map<std::string, ParsedStatContents>> ParseStatContents(
const std::string& stat_contents) {
std::stringstream stat_sstream(stat_contents);
// Ignore the first line, since it's aggregated data for the individual
// logical CPUs.
std::string line;
std::getline(stat_sstream, line);
// Parse lines of the format "cpu%d %d %d %d %d ...", where each line
// corresponds to a separate logical CPU.
std::map<std::string, ParsedStatContents> parsed_contents;
std::string logical_cpu_id;
std::string user_time_str;
std::string system_time_str;
std::string idle_time_str;
while (std::getline(stat_sstream, line) &&
RE2::PartialMatch(line, kRelativeStatFileRegex, &logical_cpu_id,
&user_time_str, &system_time_str, &idle_time_str)) {
ParsedStatContents contents;
if (!base::StringToUint64(user_time_str, &contents.user_time_user_hz) ||
!base::StringToUint64(system_time_str, &contents.system_time_user_hz) ||
!base::StringToUint(idle_time_str, &contents.idle_time_user_hz)) {
return base::nullopt;
DCHECK_EQ(parsed_contents.count(logical_cpu_id), 0);
parsed_contents[logical_cpu_id] = std::move(contents);
return parsed_contents;
// Parses |block| to determine if the block parsed from /proc/cpuinfo is a
// processor block.
bool IsProcessorBlock(const std::string& block) {
base::StringPairs pairs;
base::SplitStringIntoKeyValuePairs(block, ':', '\n', &pairs);
if (pairs.size() &&
pairs[0].first.find(kProcessorIdKey) != std::string::npos) {
return true;
return false;
// Parses |processor| to obtain |processor_id|, |physical_id|, and |model_name|
// if applicable. Returns true on success.
bool ParseProcessor(const std::string& processor,
std::string* processor_id,
std::string* physical_id,
std::string* model_name) {
base::StringPairs pairs;
base::SplitStringIntoKeyValuePairs(processor, ':', '\n', &pairs);
for (const auto& key_value : pairs) {
if (key_value.first.find(kProcessorIdKey) != std::string::npos)
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(key_value.second, base::TRIM_ALL, processor_id);
else if (key_value.first.find(kPhysicalIdKey) != std::string::npos)
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(key_value.second, base::TRIM_ALL, physical_id);
else if (key_value.first.find(kModelNameKey) != std::string::npos)
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(key_value.second, base::TRIM_ALL, model_name);
// If the processor does not have a distinction between physical_id and
// processor_id, make them the same value.
if (!processor_id->empty() && physical_id->empty()) {
*physical_id = *processor_id;
return (!processor_id->empty() && !physical_id->empty());
// Aggregates data from |processor_info| and |logical_ids_to_stat_contents| to
// form the final CpuResultPtr. It's assumed that all CPUs on the device share
// the same |architecture|.
mojo_ipc::CpuResultPtr GetCpuInfoFromProcessorInfo(
const std::vector<std::string>& processor_info,
const std::map<std::string, ParsedStatContents>&
const base::FilePath& root_dir,
mojo_ipc::CpuArchitectureEnum architecture) {
std::map<std::string, mojo_ipc::PhysicalCpuInfoPtr> physical_cpus;
for (const auto& processor : processor_info) {
if (!IsProcessorBlock(processor))
std::string processor_id;
std::string physical_id;
std::string model_name;
if (!ParseProcessor(processor, &processor_id, &physical_id, &model_name)) {
return mojo_ipc::CpuResult::NewError(CreateAndLogProbeError(
"Unable to parse processor string: " + processor));
// Find the physical CPU corresponding to this logical CPU, if it already
// exists. If not, make one.
auto itr = physical_cpus.find(physical_id);
if (itr == physical_cpus.end()) {
mojo_ipc::PhysicalCpuInfo physical_cpu;
if (!model_name.empty())
physical_cpu.model_name = std::move(model_name);
const auto result =
physical_cpus.insert({physical_id, physical_cpu.Clone()});
itr = result.first;
// Populate the logical CPU info values.
mojo_ipc::LogicalCpuInfo logical_cpu;
const auto parsed_stat_itr =
if (parsed_stat_itr == logical_ids_to_stat_contents.end()) {
return mojo_ipc::CpuResult::NewError(CreateAndLogProbeError(
"No parsed stat contents for logical ID: " + processor_id));
logical_cpu.user_time_user_hz = parsed_stat_itr->second.user_time_user_hz;
logical_cpu.system_time_user_hz =
logical_cpu.idle_time_user_hz = parsed_stat_itr->second.idle_time_user_hz;
auto c_states = GetCStates(root_dir, processor_id);
if (c_states == base::nullopt) {
return mojo_ipc::CpuResult::NewError(CreateAndLogProbeError(
mojo_ipc::ErrorType::kFileReadError, "Unable to read C States."));
logical_cpu.c_states = std::move(c_states.value());
auto cpufreq_dir = GetCpuFreqDirectoryPath(root_dir, processor_id);
if (!ReadInteger(cpufreq_dir, kCpuinfoMaxFreqFile, &base::StringToUint,
&logical_cpu.max_clock_speed_khz)) {
return mojo_ipc::CpuResult::NewError(CreateAndLogProbeError(
"Unable to read max CPU frequency file to integer: " +
if (!ReadInteger(cpufreq_dir, kCpuScalingMaxFreqFile, &base::StringToUint,
&logical_cpu.scaling_max_frequency_khz)) {
return mojo_ipc::CpuResult::NewError(CreateAndLogProbeError(
"Unable to read scaling max frequency file to integer: " +
if (!ReadInteger(cpufreq_dir, kCpuScalingCurFreqFile, &base::StringToUint,
&logical_cpu.scaling_current_frequency_khz)) {
return mojo_ipc::CpuResult::NewError(CreateAndLogProbeError(
"Unable to read scaling current frequency file to integer: " +
// Add this logical CPU to the corresponding physical CPU.
// Populate the final CpuInfo struct.
mojo_ipc::CpuInfo cpu_info;
auto thread_error = GetNumTotalThreads(root_dir, &cpu_info.num_total_threads);
if (thread_error != base::nullopt) {
return mojo_ipc::CpuResult::NewError(std::move(thread_error.value()));
cpu_info.architecture = architecture;
for (const auto& temperature : GetCpuTemperatures(root_dir))
for (const auto& key_value : physical_cpus) {
// TODO(crbug/1143763): Change this to Clone() |key_value|.
return mojo_ipc::CpuResult::NewCpuInfo(cpu_info.Clone());
} // namespace
CpuFetcher::CpuFetcher(Context* context) : context_(context) {
CpuFetcher::~CpuFetcher() = default;
mojo_ipc::CpuResultPtr CpuFetcher::FetchCpuInfo(
const base::FilePath& root_dir) {
std::string stat_contents;
auto stat_file = GetProcStatPath(root_dir);
if (!ReadFileToString(stat_file, &stat_contents)) {
return mojo_ipc::CpuResult::NewError(CreateAndLogProbeError(
"Unable to read stat file: " + stat_file.value()));
const auto parsed_stat_contents = ParseStatContents(stat_contents);
if (!parsed_stat_contents.has_value()) {
return mojo_ipc::CpuResult::NewError(CreateAndLogProbeError(
"Unable to parse stat contents: " + stat_contents));
std::string cpu_info_contents;
auto cpu_info_file = GetProcCpuInfoPath(root_dir);
if (!ReadFileToString(cpu_info_file, &cpu_info_contents)) {
return mojo_ipc::CpuResult::NewError(CreateAndLogProbeError(
"Unable to read CPU info file: " + cpu_info_file.value()));
std::vector<std::string> processor_info = base::SplitStringUsingSubstr(
cpu_info_contents, "\n\n", base::KEEP_WHITESPACE,
return GetCpuInfoFromProcessorInfo(processor_info,
parsed_stat_contents.value(), root_dir,
mojo_ipc::CpuArchitectureEnum CpuFetcher::GetArchitecture() {
struct utsname buf;
if (context_->system_utils()->Uname(&buf))
return mojo_ipc::CpuArchitectureEnum::kUnknown;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << buf.machine;
std::string machine = ss.str();
if (machine == kUnameMachineX86_64)
return mojo_ipc::CpuArchitectureEnum::kX86_64;
else if (machine == kUnameMachineAArch64)
return mojo_ipc::CpuArchitectureEnum::kAArch64;
else if (machine == kUnameMachineArmv7l)
return mojo_ipc::CpuArchitectureEnum::kArmv7l;
return mojo_ipc::CpuArchitectureEnum::kUnknown;
} // namespace diagnostics