blob: a3597e7ca9b3979607bfdcab3de20c6d7d5fc65a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Intel Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <hardware/camera3.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "Camera3BufferPool.h"
#include "FaceDetection.h"
#include "PostProcessor.h"
#include "ResultProcessor.h"
#include "Thread.h"
namespace camera3 {
struct CaptureResult {
uint32_t frameNumber;
camera3_stream_buffer_t outputBuffer;
buffer_handle_t handle;
std::shared_ptr<Camera3Buffer> inputCam3Buf;
icamera::Parameters param;
struct StreamComInfo {
std::shared_ptr<Camera3Buffer> cam3Buf;
icamera::Parameters parameter;
* \class InternalBufferPool
* This class is used to manage a local memory pool for still and post
* processing stream It needs to follow the calling sequence: allocBuffers ->
* acquireBuffer -> findBuffer -> returnBuffer
class InternalBufferPool {
icamera::status_t allocBuffers(const icamera::stream_t& stream, uint32_t numBuffers,
int cameraId);
void destroyBuffers();
std::shared_ptr<Camera3Buffer> acquireBuffer();
void returnBuffer(std::shared_ptr<Camera3Buffer> buffer);
std::shared_ptr<Camera3Buffer> findBuffer(void* memAddr);
std::unordered_map<std::shared_ptr<Camera3Buffer>, bool>
mInterBuf; // first: camera3Buffer, second: busy
std::mutex mLock;
* \class Camera3Stream
* This class is used to handle requests. It has the following
* roles:
* - It instantiates PostProcessor.
class Camera3Stream : public icamera::Thread {
Camera3Stream(int cameraId, CallbackEventInterface* callback, uint32_t maxNumReqInProc,
const icamera::stream_t& halStream, const camera3_stream_t& stream,
const camera3_stream_t* inputStream = nullptr, bool isHWStream = false);
virtual ~Camera3Stream();
virtual bool threadLoop();
virtual void requestExit();
int processRequest(const std::shared_ptr<Camera3Buffer>& inputCam3Buf,
const camera3_stream_buffer_t& outputBuffer, uint32_t frameNumber);
void queueBufferDone(uint32_t frameNumber, const std::shared_ptr<Camera3Buffer>& inputCam3Buf,
const camera3_stream_buffer_t& outputBuffer,
const icamera::Parameters& param);
int setActive(bool state);
bool isActive() { return mStreamState; }
void activateFaceDetection(unsigned int maxFaceNum);
int getPostProcessType() { return mPostProcessType; }
void sendEvent(const icamera::camera_msg_data_t& data);
void addListener(Camera3Stream* listener);
// fetch the buffers will be queued to Hal, HAL stream only
bool fetchRequestBuffers(icamera::camera_buffer_t* buffer, uint32_t frameNumber);
// check if the HW stream should be enabled by listener request
void checkListenerRequest(uint32_t frameNumber);
// called by RequestManager indicates the frame is done, release buffers
void requestStreamDone(uint32_t frameNumber);
// drain all pending requests
void drainAllPendingRequests();
void handleSofAlignment();
/* get the request status anf Camera3Buf of this stream
** return nullptr if stream not requested the frame
std::shared_ptr<StreamComInfo> getCaptureRequest(uint32_t frameNumber);
void notifyListenerBufferReady(uint32_t frameNumber,
const std::shared_ptr<StreamComInfo>& halOutput);
/* HAL stream or listener stream to wait capture buffer result ready,
** called in ThreadLoop, return false if need to wait,
** return true to continue the threadloop.
bool waitCaptureResultReady();
void drainRequest();
const uint64_t kMaxDuration = 2000000000; // 2000ms
int mCameraId;
std::condition_variable mBufferDoneCondition;
std::mutex mLock;
std::condition_variable mSofCondition;
std::mutex mSofLock;
CallbackEventInterface* mEventCallback;
int mPostProcessType;
std::unique_ptr<PostProcessor> mPostProcessor;
bool mStreamState;
icamera::stream_t mHALStream;
uint32_t mMaxNumReqInProc;
std::unique_ptr<Camera3BufferPool> mBufferPool;
camera3_stream_t mStream;
typedef enum {
PROCESS_REQUESTS, // Normal working status.
PEND_PROCESS, // Pending process when stopping camera.
DRAIN_REQUESTS // Draining all requests after stopped camera.
} StreamStatus;
StreamStatus mStreamStatus;
/* key is frame number, value is CaptureResult */
std::map<uint32_t, std::shared_ptr<CaptureResult>> mCaptureResultMap;
std::map<buffer_handle_t, std::shared_ptr<Camera3Buffer>> mBuffers;
icamera::FaceDetection* mFaceDetection;
unsigned int mFDRunDefaultInterval; // FD running's interval frames.
unsigned int mFDRunIntervalNoFace; // FD running's interval frames without face.
unsigned int mFDRunInterval; // run 1 frame every mFDRunInterval frames.
unsigned int mFrameCnt; // from 0 to (mFDRunInterval - 1).
int mInputPostProcessType;
std::unique_ptr<PostProcessor> mInputPostProcessor;
std::unique_ptr<camera3_stream_t> mInputStream;
bool mIsHALStream;
/* save output info, each stream can accept maxNumReqInProc
** requests. used by HAL stream to get listener request status
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::shared_ptr<StreamComInfo>> mCaptureRequest;
std::vector<Camera3Stream*> mListeners;
// HAL streams output result, listener stream will wait on it before process
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::shared_ptr<StreamComInfo>> mHALStreamOutput;
// save buffer obj when HAL choose buffer from pool to do qbuf/dqbuf
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::shared_ptr<Camera3Buffer>> mQueuedBuffer;
void faceRunningByCondition(const icamera::camera_buffer_t& buffer);
} // namespace camera3