blob: bf05a9c8d18c9b45770988cfc6f729f554fc7a9f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "touch_keyboard/statemachine/statemachine.h"
namespace mtstatemachine {
bool MtStateMachine::AddEvent(
struct input_event const &ev,
std::unordered_map<int, struct MtFinger> *out_snapshot) {
// Here we process an event. This function returns true at the end of a full
// snapshot of the data (whenever there is a SYN event) and if you
// pass it a pointer to an appropriate map, it will fill it with the
// current state. If you pass NULL, it will skip that step.
EventKey key(ev);
if (key.IsSlot()) {
slot_ = ev.value;
} else if (key.IsSyn()) {
if (out_snapshot) {
return true;
} else if (ev.type == EV_ABS) {
slots_[slot_][key] = ev.value;
return false;
void MtStateMachine::FillSnapshot(
std::unordered_map<int, struct MtFinger> *out_snapshot) {
for (int slot = 0; slot < kNumSlots; slot++) {
int tid = slots_[slot].FindValueByEvent(EV_ABS, ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID);
if (tid == -1) {
struct MtFinger finger;
finger.x = slots_[slot].FindValueByEvent(EV_ABS, ABS_MT_POSITION_X);
finger.y = slots_[slot].FindValueByEvent(EV_ABS, ABS_MT_POSITION_Y);
finger.p = slots_[slot].FindValueByEvent(EV_ABS, ABS_MT_PRESSURE);
finger.touch_major = slots_[slot].FindValueByEvent(EV_ABS,
(*out_snapshot)[tid] = finger;
} // namespace mtstatemachine