
This sub crate provides library functions for communicating with ManaTEE from Chrome OS. This is implemented as a D-Bus API managed by dugong which then communicates with trichechus over VSOCK.

There is a file associated with chromeos-base/manatee-client that generates C++ D-Bus bindings for ManaTEE.

Also there is a Rust crate with its own D-Bus bindings for ManaTEE associated with dev-rust/mantee-client.

Manatee command line tool

manatee-client provides a command line tool manatee to provide developer access to a shell on the hypervisor or other TEE apps. If run with no arguments, it will try to open a developer shell through dugong.

It can bypass dugong and open a direct connection to trichechus using the -U option if dugong is not already holding the control socket. This is particularly useful in developer environments where dugong fails because it lacks the permissions required to acquire its D-Bus endpoint and interface.

Additionally, manatee-client has a -r option which sets up a copy of cronista, trichechus, and dugong over IP on localhost for testing.