blob: b81a3db2221098fee45bf1140d4351f37baed79e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Return a list of all currently existing PIDs.
getAllPids() {
exec ps --no-headers -opid --deselect -C ps
# Poll until the provided PID appears.
pollForPid() {
local pid=$1
[[ -z "${pid}" ]] && return
until kill -0 "${pid}" 2> /dev/null; do
sleep .1
tearDown() {
# TODO(cmasone): Remove ps when is sorted.
ps -f --forest -u $(id -u)
pkill -KILL -e -P $$
echo "------------------------------ Test complete."
# Asserts that the given PID is alive.
assertPid() {
[[ $# -eq 1 ]] || fail "assertPid requires 1 arg, you passed $@"
local pid=$1
kill -0 "${pid}"
assertEquals "${pid} should not have been killed." 0 $?
readonly ASSERT_NO_PID_TIMEOUT=20000 # Timeout in msec. Chosen arbitrarily.
# Asserts that the given PID is not alive.
assertNoPid() {
[[ $# -eq 1 ]] || fail "assertPid requires 1 arg, you passed $@"
local pid=$1 i=0
while [[ ${i} -lt ${ASSERT_NO_PID_TIMEOUT} ]]; do
if ! kill -0 "${pid}" 2> /dev/null; then
sleep .1
: $(( i += 100 ))
echo "Waited ${i} msec for ${pid} to die."
fail "${pid} should not be alive."
# Runs a background process that holds open a file under ${SHUNIT_TMPDIR}.
# Passing "untermable" as the sole argument will make this process ignore TERM.
# Upon return, the process will be backgrounded and the pid is in $!.
runBackgroundProcess() {
local untermable
if [[ $# -gt 0 && "$1" == "untermable" ]]; then
untermable="trap : SIGTERM;"
local tmpfile=$(mktemp -p "${SHUNIT_TMPDIR}" "killers_$$_XXXXXXXX")
touch "${tmpfile}" || fail "Could not create ${tmpfile}"
bash -c "exec 3<'${tmpfile}'; ${untermable} kill -STOP \$\$" &
pollForPid $!
# Run a test of kill_with_open_files_on. Pass "untermable" as the sole
# argument to test terminating processes that ignore SIGTERM.
doKillWithOpenFilesTest() {
local pid1 pid2
runBackgroundProcess "$@"
runBackgroundProcess "$@"
kill_with_open_files_on "${SHUNIT_TMPDIR}"/*
assertNoPid "${pid1}"
assertNoPid "${pid2}"
testKillWithOpenFiles() {
testKillWithOpenFiles_NonTERMable() {
doKillWithOpenFilesTest untermable
testKillWithOpenFiles_EmptyParams() {
local before_pids=$(getAllPids)
local error_out=$(kill_with_open_files_on "" 2>&1)
local after_pids=$(getAllPids)
assertNotNull "${before_pids}"
assertNotNull "${after_pids}"
assertEquals "${error_out}" "${before_pids}" "${after_pids}"
testKillWithOpenFiles_UnresolvedGlob() {
local before_pids=$(getAllPids)
local error_out=$(kill_with_open_files_on "${SHUNIT_TMPDIR}"/* 2>&1)
local after_pids=$(getAllPids)
assertNotNull "${before_pids}"
assertNotNull "${after_pids}"
assertEquals "${error_out}" "${before_pids}" "${after_pids}"
main() {
if [[ $# -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "Usage: $0" >&2
exit 1
echo "Note: Messages like 'Killed bash -c \"...\"' are normal"
# Detect whether we're being run inside a pid namespace where we are init.
# If not, start such a pid namespace. This is to ensure we don't kill real
# processes on the system during tests.
if ! grep -Eqs "$0|pid ns: init" /proc/1/cmdline ]] && \
[[ -z ${UNSHARE} ]]; then
exec sudo UNSHARE=true unshare -f -p --mount-proc "$0" "$@"
# Default to the temp dir ($T) that portage has set up for us.
# This is needed when doing out of tree builds.
. ./killers
. /usr/bin/shunit2
main "$@"