blob: c325e03d414e30b6387d0eeafbb9369eb28e19a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <chromeos/dbus/service_constants.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include <metrics/metrics_library.h>
namespace cros_disks {
// A class for collecting cros-disks related UMA metrics.
class Metrics {
~Metrics() = default;
// Records the type of archive that cros-disks is trying to mount.
void RecordArchiveType(const std::string& archive_type);
// Records the type of filesystem that cros-disks is trying to mount.
void RecordFilesystemType(const std::string& filesystem_type);
// Records the type of device media that cros-disks is trying to mount.
void RecordDeviceMediaType(DeviceMediaType device_media_type);
enum ArchiveType {
kArchiveUnknown = 0,
kArchiveZip = 1,
kArchiveRar = 2,
kArchiveTar = 3,
kArchiveTarBzip2 = 4,
kArchiveTarGzip = 5,
kArchiveMaxValue = 6,
enum FilesystemType {
kFilesystemUnknown = 0,
kFilesystemOther = 1,
kFilesystemVFAT = 2,
kFilesystemExFAT = 3,
kFilesystemNTFS = 4,
kFilesystemHFSPlus = 5,
kFilesystemExt2 = 6,
kFilesystemExt3 = 7,
kFilesystemExt4 = 8,
kFilesystemISO9660 = 9,
kFilesystemUDF = 10,
kFilesystemMaxValue = 11,
// Initializes the mapping from an archive type to its corresponding
// metric value.
void InitializeArchiveTypeMap();
// Initializes the mapping from a filesystem type to its corresponding
// metric value.
void InitializeFilesystemTypeMap();
// Returns the MetricsArchiveType enum value for the specified archive type
// string.
ArchiveType GetArchiveType(const std::string& archive_type) const;
// Returns the MetricsFilesystemType enum value for the specified filesystem
// type string.
FilesystemType GetFilesystemType(const std::string& filesystem_type) const;
MetricsLibrary metrics_library_;
// Mapping from an archive type to its corresponding metric value.
std::map<std::string, ArchiveType> archive_type_map_;
// Mapping from a filesystem type to its corresponding metric value.
std::map<std::string, FilesystemType> filesystem_type_map_;
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsTest, GetArchiveType);
FRIEND_TEST(MetricsTest, GetFilesystemType);
} // namespace cros_disks