blob: a592f26d5eb64cda785ecc8620d6c63ef5f029db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "runtime_probe/field_converter.h"
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/values.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace runtime_probe {
class ProbeResultChecker {
static std::unique_ptr<ProbeResultChecker> FromValue(
const base::Value& value);
virtual bool Apply(base::Value* probe_result) const = 0;
virtual ~ProbeResultChecker() = default;
// Holds |expect| attribute of a |ProbeStatement|.
// |expect| attribute should be a |Value| with following format:
// {
// <key_of_probe_result>: [<required:bool>, <expected_type:string>,
// <optional_validate_rule:string>]
// }
// Currently, we support the following expected types:
// - "int" (use |IntegerFieldConverter|)
// - "hex" (use |HexFieldConverter|)
// - "double" (use |DoubleFieldConverter|)
// - "str" (use |StringFieldConverter|)
// |ProbeResultChecker| will first try to convert each field to |expected_type|.
// Then, if |optional_validate_rule| is given, will check if converted value
// match the rule.
// TODO(b/121354690): Handle |optional_validate_rule|.
class ProbeResultCheckerDict : public ProbeResultChecker {
static std::unique_ptr<ProbeResultCheckerDict> FromValue(
const base::Value& dict_value);
// Apply |expect| rules to |probe_result|
// @return |true| if all required fields are converted successfully.
bool Apply(base::Value* probe_result) const override;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<FieldConverter>> required_fields_;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<FieldConverter>> optional_fields_;
FRIEND_TEST(ProbeResultCheckerDictTest, TestFromValue);
FRIEND_TEST(ProbeResultCheckerListTest, TestFromValue);
class ProbeResultCheckerList : public ProbeResultChecker {
static std::unique_ptr<ProbeResultCheckerList> FromValue(
const base::Value& list_value);
// Apply |expect| rules to |probe_result|
// @return |true| if all required fields are converted successfully.
bool Apply(base::Value* probe_result) const override;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ProbeResultChecker>> checkers;
FRIEND_TEST(ProbeResultCheckerListTest, TestFromValue);
FRIEND_TEST(ProbeResultCheckerListTest, TestApply);
FRIEND_TEST(ProbeResultCheckerListTest, TestApplyShortCircuit);
} // namespace runtime_probe