blob: d8bd293cb70f89a459702b2d36d1bd2a68d32090 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/memory/ref_counted.h>
#include <base/memory/scoped_refptr.h>
#include "rmad/proto_bindings/rmad.pb.h"
#include "rmad/utils/json_store.h"
namespace rmad {
class BaseStateHandler : public base::RefCounted<BaseStateHandler> {
// Return value for GetNextStateCase().
struct GetNextStateCaseReply {
RmadErrorCode error;
RmadState::StateCase state_case;
explicit BaseStateHandler(scoped_refptr<JsonStore> json_store);
// Returns the RmadState that the class handles. This can be declared by the
// macro ASSIGN_STATE(state).
virtual RmadState::StateCase GetStateCase() const = 0;
// TODO(gavindodd): How to mock this without making it virtual?
// Returns the RmadState proto for this state.
virtual const RmadState& GetState() const;
// Returns whether the state is repeatable. A state is repeatable if it can be
// run multiple times. For instance, a state that only shows system info, or
// some calibration that can be done multiple times. We shouldn't visit an
// unrepeatable state twice, unless we restart the RMA process again. This can
// be set by the macro SET_REPEATABLE and SET_UNREPEATABLE.
virtual bool IsRepeatable() const = 0;
// Initialize the state. Used when entering or returning to the state.
virtual RmadErrorCode InitializeState() = 0;
// Clean up the state. Called when leaving the state.
virtual void CleanUpState() {}
// Register a signal sender.
virtual void RegisterSignalSender(
std::unique_ptr<base::RepeatingCallback<bool(bool)>> callback) {}
using HardwareVerificationResultSignalCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const HardwareVerificationResult&)>;
virtual void RegisterSignalSender(
std::unique_ptr<HardwareVerificationResultSignalCallback> callback) {}
using CalibrationOverallSignalCallback =
virtual void RegisterSignalSender(
std::unique_ptr<CalibrationOverallSignalCallback> callback) {}
using CalibrationComponentSignalCallback =
virtual void RegisterSignalSender(
std::unique_ptr<CalibrationComponentSignalCallback> callback) {}
// Return the next RmadState::StateCase in the RMA flow depending on device
// status and user input (e.g. |json_store_| content). If the transition
// fails, a corresponding RmadErrorCode is set, and |next_state_case| will be
// the same as GetStateCase().
virtual GetNextStateCaseReply GetNextStateCase(const RmadState& state) = 0;
// Store the state to |json_store_|.
bool StoreState();
// Retrieve the state from |json_store_|.
bool RetrieveState();
friend class base::RefCounted<BaseStateHandler>;
virtual ~BaseStateHandler() = default;
RmadState state_;
scoped_refptr<JsonStore> json_store_;
#define ASSIGN_STATE(state) \
RmadState::StateCase GetStateCase() const override { return state; }
bool IsRepeatable() const override { return true; }
bool IsRepeatable() const override { return false; }
} // namespace rmad