| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> |
| |
| <node name="/org/chromium/PermissionBroker" |
| xmlns:tp="http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/DbusSpec#extensions-v0"> |
| <interface name="org.chromium.PermissionBroker"> |
| <method name="CheckPathAccess"> |
| <arg name="path" type="s" direction="in"/> |
| <arg name="allowed" type="b" direction="out"/> |
| <annotation name="org.chromium.DBus.Method.Kind" value="simple"/> |
| </method> |
| <method name="OpenPath"> |
| <arg name="path" type="s" direction="in"/> |
| <arg type="h" name="fd" direction="out"/> |
| <annotation name="org.chromium.DBus.Method.Kind" value="normal"/> |
| </method> |
| <method name="ClaimDevicePath"> |
| <tp:docstring> |
| The |drop_privileges_mask| is a bit mask indicating which interface |
| numbers of a USB device are allowed. The interface number 0 corresponds |
| to the LSB of the mask. A device which has an ADB interface and other |
| interfaces for Camera or Storage may be opened purely as an ADB device |
| using a mask that zeros out the Camera and Storage interface number |
| bit positions. The |lifeline_fd| is an file descriptor by which clients |
| manage the lifetime of their device claim. Kernel drivers that were |
| detached from the device's interfaces on claim are reattached when |
| |lifeline_fd| is closed. |
| </tp:docstring> |
| <arg name="path" type="s" direction="in"/> |
| <arg name="drop_privileges_mask" type="u" direction="in"/> |
| <arg type="h" name="lifeline_fd" direction="in"/> |
| <arg type="h" name="fd" direction="out"/> |
| <annotation name="org.chromium.DBus.Method.Kind" value="normal"/> |
| </method> |
| <method name="PowerCycleUsbPorts"> |
| <tp:docstring> |
| This API uses USB VBUS to power-cycle one or more USB devices. |
| The |vid| is the Vendor ID of the target device/devices. |
| The |pid| is the Product ID of the target device/devices. |
| The |delay|, expressed in base::TimeDelta::ToInternalValue() hence |
| microseconds, is a sleep-time between the power-off action and the |
| power-on action. This is useful when, for various reasons, a USB device |
| requires a certain amount of time to properly shut down. |
| </tp:docstring> |
| <arg type="q" name="vid" direction="in" /> |
| <arg type="q" name="pid" direction="in" /> |
| <arg type="x" name="delay" direction="in" /> |
| <arg type="b" name="success" direction="out" /> |
| <annotation name="org.chromium.DBus.Method.Kind" value="async"/> |
| </method> |
| <method name="RequestTcpPortAccess"> |
| <arg type="q" name="port" direction="in"/> |
| <arg type="s" name="interface" direction="in"/> |
| <arg type="h" name="lifeline_fd" direction="in"/> |
| <arg name="allowed" type="b" direction="out"/> |
| <annotation name="org.chromium.DBus.Method.Kind" value="simple"/> |
| </method> |
| <method name="RequestUdpPortAccess"> |
| <arg type="q" name="port" direction="in"/> |
| <arg type="s" name="interface" direction="in"/> |
| <arg type="h" name="lifeline_fd" direction="in"/> |
| <arg name="allowed" type="b" direction="out"/> |
| <annotation name="org.chromium.DBus.Method.Kind" value="simple"/> |
| </method> |
| <method name="RequestLoopbackTcpPortLockdown"> |
| <arg type="q" name="port" direction="in"/> |
| <arg type="h" name="lifeline_fd" direction="in"/> |
| <arg name="allowed" type="b" direction="out"/> |
| <annotation name="org.chromium.DBus.Method.Kind" value="simple"/> |
| </method> |
| <method name="ReleaseTcpPort"> |
| <arg type="q" name="port" direction="in"/> |
| <arg type="s" name="interface" direction="in"/> |
| <arg name="success" type="b" direction="out"/> |
| <annotation name="org.chromium.DBus.Method.Kind" value="simple"/> |
| </method> |
| <method name="ReleaseUdpPort"> |
| <arg type="q" name="port" direction="in"/> |
| <arg type="s" name="interface" direction="in"/> |
| <arg name="success" type="b" direction="out"/> |
| <annotation name="org.chromium.DBus.Method.Kind" value="simple"/> |
| </method> |
| <method name="ReleaseLoopbackTcpPort"> |
| <arg type="q" name="port" direction="in"/> |
| <arg name="allowed" type="b" direction="out"/> |
| <annotation name="org.chromium.DBus.Method.Kind" value="simple"/> |
| </method> |
| <method name="RequestTcpPortForward"> |
| <arg type="q" name="port" direction="in"/> |
| <arg type="s" name="interface" direction="in"/> |
| <arg type="s" name="dst_ip" direction="in"/> |
| <arg type="q" name="dst_port" direction="in"/> |
| <arg type="h" name="lifeline_fd" direction="in"/> |
| <arg name="allowed" type="b" direction="out"/> |
| <annotation name="org.chromium.DBus.Method.Kind" value="simple"/> |
| </method> |
| <method name="RequestUdpPortForward"> |
| <arg type="q" name="port" direction="in"/> |
| <arg type="s" name="interface" direction="in"/> |
| <arg type="s" name="dst_ip" direction="in"/> |
| <arg type="q" name="dst_port" direction="in"/> |
| <arg type="h" name="lifeline_fd" direction="in"/> |
| <arg name="allowed" type="b" direction="out"/> |
| <annotation name="org.chromium.DBus.Method.Kind" value="simple"/> |
| </method> |
| <method name="ReleaseTcpPortForward"> |
| <arg type="q" name="port" direction="in"/> |
| <arg type="s" name="interface" direction="in"/> |
| <arg name="success" type="b" direction="out"/> |
| <annotation name="org.chromium.DBus.Method.Kind" value="simple"/> |
| </method> |
| <method name="ReleaseUdpPortForward"> |
| <arg type="q" name="port" direction="in"/> |
| <arg type="s" name="interface" direction="in"/> |
| <arg name="success" type="b" direction="out"/> |
| <annotation name="org.chromium.DBus.Method.Kind" value="simple"/> |
| </method> |
| </interface> |
| </node> |