blob: c412468e3073efa5fa4d847e790428233d3ecf17 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
namespace debugd {
// Class to provide functionality to set and check user passwords.
// Functions are gathered into this class in order to provide a testable
// interface.
class DevFeaturesPasswordUtils {
DevFeaturesPasswordUtils() = default;
DevFeaturesPasswordUtils(const DevFeaturesPasswordUtils&) = delete;
DevFeaturesPasswordUtils& operator=(const DevFeaturesPasswordUtils&) = delete;
virtual ~DevFeaturesPasswordUtils() = default;
// Checks if |username| is valid. This may be slightly different than the
// actual allowed set of usernames, but it will work for our primary use cases
// of chronos and root.
bool IsUsernameValid(const std::string& username);
// Checks if |username| has a valid password in |password_file|. Valid
// passwords are defined as any non-empty hash that doesn't start with any
// of '!', '*', or ':'.
bool IsPasswordSet(const std::string& username,
const base::FilePath& password_file);
// Sets |password| for |username| in |password_file|.
bool SetPassword(const std::string& username,
const std::string& password,
const base::FilePath& password_file);
// Hash a raw password. Virtual so that we can mock it for testing. Returns
// false and prints to stderr if hashing failed.
virtual bool HashPassword(const std::string& password,
std::string* hashed_password);
// Search through |entries| to find the one corresponding to |username|, and
// replace the password with |hashed_password|. If |username| is not found,
// a new entry will be added to |entries|.
bool SetPasswordInEntries(const std::string& username,
const std::string& hashed_password,
std::vector<std::string>* entries);
} // namespace debugd