blob: 23a65d6aff6d591932854a153ee30c3f41603da6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gpu/gles/sampler.h"
#include "gpu/gles/screen_space_rect.h"
#include "gpu/gles/shader_program.h"
#include "gpu/gles/texture_2d.h"
namespace cros {
class GpuImageProcessor {
GpuImageProcessor(const GpuImageProcessor& other) = delete;
GpuImageProcessor(GpuImageProcessor&& other) = default;
GpuImageProcessor& operator=(const GpuImageProcessor& other) = delete;
GpuImageProcessor& operator=(GpuImageProcessor&& other) = default;
// Convert the input |rgba_input| texture to NV12.
// Args:
// |rgba_input|:
// The input 2D texture to be converted.
// |y_output|:
// The output 2D texture for Y plane. The texture must be of format
// R8.
// |uv_output|:
// The output 2D texture for UV plane. The texture must be of format
// GR88. The pixel dimension must be
// (|y_output|.width / 2, |y_output|.height / 2).
// Returns:
// true if GL commands are successfully submitted; false otherwise.
bool RGBAToNV12(const Texture2D& rgba_input,
const Texture2D& y_output,
const Texture2D& uv_output);
// Convert the input |external_yuv_input| texture to NV12.
// Args:
// |external_yuv_input|:
// The input external texture to be converted. The texture will be
// bound to the TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES target for sampling.
// |y_output|:
// The output 2D texture for Y plane. The texture must be of format
// R8.
// |uv_output|:
// The output 2D texture for UV plane. The texture must be of format
// GR8. The pixel dimension must be
// (|y_output|.width / 2, |y_output|.height / 2).
// Returns:
// true if GL commands are successfully submitted; false otherwise.
bool ExternalYUVToNV12(const Texture2D& external_yuv_input,
const Texture2D& y_output,
const Texture2D& uv_output);
// Convert the input |external_yuv_input| texture to RGBA.
// Args:
// |external_yuv_input|:
// The input external texture to be converted. The texture will be
// bound to the TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES target for sampling.
// |rgba_output|:
// The output 2D texture. The texture should have RGBA internal
// format.
// Returns:
// true if GL commands are successfully submitted; false otherwise.
bool ExternalYUVToRGBA(const Texture2D& external_yuv_input,
const Texture2D& rgba_output);
// Convert the input NV12 |y_input| and |uv_input| textures to RGBA.
// Args:
// |y_input|:
// The input 2D texture for Y plane. The texture must be of format
// R8.
// |uv_input|:
// The input 2D texture for UV plane. The texture must be of format
// GR8. The pixel dimension must be
// (|y_input|.width / 2, |y_input|.height / 2).
// |rgba_output|:
// The output 2D texture. The texture should have RGBA internal
// format.
// Returns:
// true if GL commands are successfully submitted; false otherwise.
bool NV12ToRGBA(const Texture2D& y_input,
const Texture2D& uv_input,
const Texture2D& rgba_output);
// Convert the input YUV |y_input| and |uv_input| textures to YUV with GPU
// downsampling. This can be used for conversion between NV12 and P010 pixel
// formats.
// Args:
// |y_input|:
// The input 2D texture for Y plane. The texture must be of format
// R8.
// |uv_input|:
// The input 2D texture for UV plane. The texture must be of format
// GR8. The pixel dimension must be
// (|y_input|.width / 2, |y_input|.height / 2).
// |y_output|:
// The output 2D texture for Y plane. The texture must be of format
// R8.
// |uv_output|:
// The output 2D texture for UV plane. The texture must be of format
// GR8. The pixel dimension must be
// (|y_output|.width / 2, |y_output|.height / 2).
// Returns:
// true if GL commands are successfully submitted; false otherwise.
bool YUVToYUV(const Texture2D& y_input,
const Texture2D& uv_input,
const Texture2D& y_output,
const Texture2D& uv_output);
// Apply the Gamma curve: OUT = pow(IN, 1/|gamma_value|) to each of the RGB
// channels of |rgba_input|. The results are written to |rgba_output|.
// Args:
// |gamma_value|:
// The Gamma parameter for the Gamma curve.
// |rgba_input|:
// The input RGBA texture to apply the Gamma curve to.
// |rgba_output|:
// The output RGBA texture to store the results.
// Returns:
// true if GL commands are successfully submitted; false otherwise.
bool ApplyGammaCorrection(float gamma_value,
const Texture2D& rgba_input,
const Texture2D& rgba_output);
// Take the RGB input from |rgba_input| and apply the lookup table |r_lut|,
// |g_lut|, and |b_lut| to the R, G, B channels separately. The result is
// written to |rgba_output|.
// Args:
// |r_lut|:
// The (n x 1) lookup table for the R channel, where n is the number of
// points that approximates the LUT curve.
// |g_lut|:
// The (n x 1) lookup table for the G channel, where n is the number of
// points that approximates the LUT curve.
// |b_lut|:
// The (n x 1) lookup table for the B channel, where n is the number of
// points that approximates the LUT curve.
// |rgba_input|:
// The input RGBA texture to sample the RGB input to the RGB LUTs from.
// |rgba_output|:
// The output RGBA texture to store the results after the LUT
// operations.
// Returns:
// true if GL commands are successfully submitted; false otherwise.
bool ApplyRgbLut(const Texture2D& r_lut,
const Texture2D& g_lut,
const Texture2D& b_lut,
const Texture2D& rgba_input,
const Texture2D& rgba_output);
ScreenSpaceRect rect_;
ShaderProgram rgba_to_nv12_program_;
ShaderProgram external_yuv_to_nv12_program_;
ShaderProgram external_yuv_to_rgba_program_;
ShaderProgram nv12_to_rgba_program_;
ShaderProgram nv12_to_nv12_program_;
ShaderProgram gamma_correction_program_;
ShaderProgram lut_program_;
Sampler nearest_clamp_to_edge_;
Sampler linear_clamp_to_edge_;
} // namespace cros