blob: 42813ffbb65afc3c03ca44bbc081822bd99f2350 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file defines switches that are used both by Chrome and login_manager.
namespace chromeos {
namespace switches {
// Sentinel switches for policy injected flags.
const char kPolicySwitchesBegin[] = "policy-switches-begin";
const char kPolicySwitchesEnd[] = "policy-switches-end";
// Flag passed to the browser if the system is running in dev-mode.
const char kSystemInDevMode[] = "system-developer-mode";
// Used to pass JSON-encoded list of strings specifying enabled feature flags.
// The format of the entries is the same that Chrome uses for persisting
// chrome://flags configuration, i.e. the "internal name" of the feature flag,
// optionally followed by an '@' and the index of the selected choice (for
// multi-value items). Example: ["dark-light-mode@1","tint-composited-content"]
const char kFeatureFlags[] = "feature-flags";
// Passes JSON-encoded dictionary of origin list flags (i.e. feature flags that
// take an optional string argument which is supposed to specify a list of web
// origins). Example: {"isolate-origins":""}
const char kFeatureFlagsOriginList[] = "feature-flags-origin-list";
} // namespace switches
} // namespace chromeos