blob: 8f0c6fd5088d32ffddc34207812db2f998b1c0a2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <brillo/daemons/dbus_daemon.h>
#include <brillo/dbus/data_serialization.h>
#include <brillo/dbus/dbus_method_response.h>
#include <brillo/dbus/dbus_object.h>
#include <brillo/dbus/dbus_signal.h>
#include <dbus/bus.h>
#include "rmad/rmad_interface.h"
namespace brillo {
namespace dbus_utils {
void AppendValueToWriter(dbus::MessageWriter* writer,
const rmad::CalibrationComponentStatus& value);
bool PopValueFromReader(dbus::MessageReader* reader,
rmad::CalibrationComponentStatus* value);
} // namespace dbus_utils
} // namespace brillo
namespace rmad {
class DBusService : public brillo::DBusServiceDaemon {
explicit DBusService(RmadInterface* rmad_interface);
// Used to inject a mock bus.
DBusService(const scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus>& bus,
RmadInterface* rmad_interface);
DBusService(const DBusService&) = delete;
DBusService& operator=(const DBusService&) = delete;
~DBusService() override = default;
bool SendErrorSignal(RmadErrorCode error);
bool SendCalibrationProgressSignal(CalibrationComponentStatus status);
bool SendProvisioningProgressSignal(
ProvisionDeviceState::ProvisioningStep step, double progress);
bool SendHardwareWriteProtectionStateSignal(bool enabled);
bool SendPowerCableStateSignal(bool plugged_in);
// brillo::DBusServiceDaemon overrides.
int OnInit() override;
void RegisterDBusObjectsAsync(
brillo::dbus_utils::AsyncEventSequencer* sequencer) override;
// Provide callbacks for sending signals to rmad_interface.
void RegisterSignalSenders();
friend class DBusServiceTest;
template <typename... Types>
using DBusMethodResponse = brillo::dbus_utils::DBusMethodResponse<Types...>;
// Template for handling D-Bus methods.
template <typename RequestProtobufType, typename ReplyType>
using HandlerFunction = void (RmadInterface::*)(
const RequestProtobufType&,
const base::RepeatingCallback<void(const ReplyType&)>&);
template <typename RequestProtobufType,
typename ReplyType,
DBusService::HandlerFunction<RequestProtobufType, ReplyType> func>
void HandleMethod(std::unique_ptr<DBusMethodResponse<ReplyType>> response,
const RequestProtobufType& request) {
// Convert to shared_ptr so rmad_interface_ can safely copy the callback.
using SharedResponsePointer =
request, base::BindRepeating(
&DBusService::SendReply<ReplyType>, base::Unretained(this),
// Template for handling D-Bus methods without request protobuf.
template <typename ReplyType>
using HandlerFunctionEmptyRequest = void (RmadInterface::*)(
const base::RepeatingCallback<void(const ReplyType&)>&);
template <typename ReplyType,
DBusService::HandlerFunctionEmptyRequest<ReplyType> func>
void HandleMethod(std::unique_ptr<DBusMethodResponse<ReplyType>> response) {
// Convert to shared_ptr so rmad_interface_ can safely copy the callback.
using SharedResponsePointer =
&DBusService::SendReply<ReplyType>, base::Unretained(this),
std::string HandleGetLogPathMethod();
GetLogReply HandleGetLogMethod();
// Template for sending out the reply.
template <typename ReplyType>
void SendReply(std::shared_ptr<DBusMethodResponse<ReplyType>> response,
const ReplyType& reply) {
// Quit the daemon under some conditions.
// TODO(chenghan): This is now determined by state. Maybe it's better to
// decide this in the state transition, e.g. pass an
// additional boolean in the |rmad_interface_| callback.
// Quit the daemon if current state is:
// - STATE_NOT_SET: RMA is not required. Quit the daemon to release
// resources.
// - kWpDisableComplete: Need to restart the daemon after disabling hardware
// write protection to get more minijail permissions.
void ConditionallyQuit();
// Schedule an asynchronous D-Bus shutdown and exit the daemon.
void PostQuitTask();
std::unique_ptr<brillo::dbus_utils::DBusObject> dbus_object_;
std::weak_ptr<brillo::dbus_utils::DBusSignal<RmadErrorCode>> error_signal_;
DBusSignal<ProvisionDeviceState::ProvisioningStep, double>>
std::weak_ptr<brillo::dbus_utils::DBusSignal<bool>> hwwp_signal_;
std::weak_ptr<brillo::dbus_utils::DBusSignal<bool>> power_cable_signal_;
RmadInterface* rmad_interface_;
} // namespace rmad