Perfetto Simple Producer


This executable is a simple producer of perfetto that generates sample track events. It should be only used in test images.

Sample steps:

  1. Start traced if it has't been started.

    (device) start traced
  2. Start a consumer that includes “track_event” data source in the trace config, and “perfetto_simple_producer” category.

    (device) perfetto -c - --txt -o /tmp/perfetto-trace \
    buffers: {
      size_kb: 63488
      fill_policy: DISCARD
    buffers: {
        size_kb: 2048
        fill_policy: DISCARD
    data_sources: {
        config {
            name: "track_event"
            track_event_config {
                enabled_categories: "perfetto_simple_producer"
    duration_ms: 10000
  3. Run the simple producer.

    (device) perfetto_simple_producer
  4. Collect the trace at /tmp/perfetto-trace. It can be uploaded to the perfetto UI website and check if there are 4 tracks on the corresponding threads.