blob: da273b4d4aad612ec84968f073c2c37c66ab1646 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "p2p/client/peer_selector.h"
#include <string>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <metrics/metrics_library_mock.h>
#include "p2p/client/fake_service_finder.h"
#include "p2p/common/fake_clock.h"
#include "p2p/common/testutil.h"
using testing::_;
namespace p2p {
namespace client {
class PeerSelectorTest : public ::testing::Test {
PeerSelectorTest() : ps_(&sf_, &clock_) {}
p2p::common::FakeClock clock_;
FakeServiceFinder sf_;
PeerSelector ps_; // The PeerSelector under test.
testing::StrictMock<MetricsLibraryMock> mock_metrics_lib_;
TEST_F(PeerSelectorTest, PickUrlForNonExistantId) {
EXPECT_EQ(ps_.PickUrlForId("non-existant", 1), "");
// Share some *other* files on the network.
int peer = sf_.NewPeer("", false, 1111);
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFile(peer, "some-file", 10240));
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFile(peer, "other-file", 10240));
EXPECT_EQ(ps_.PickUrlForId("non-existant", 1), "");
// PickUrlForId should not call Lookup().
EXPECT_EQ(sf_.GetNumLookupCalls(), 0);
TEST_F(PeerSelectorTest, PickUrlForIdWithZeroBytes) {
int peer1 = sf_.NewPeer("", false, 1111);
int peer2 = sf_.NewPeer("", false, 2222);
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFile(peer1, "some-file", 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFile(peer2, "some-file", 0));
// PickUrlForId() should not return an URL for a peer sharing a 0-bytes file.
EXPECT_EQ(ps_.PickUrlForId("some-file", 1), "");
TEST_F(PeerSelectorTest, PickUrlForIdWithMinimumSize) {
int peer = sf_.NewPeer("", false, 1111);
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFile(peer, "some-file", 999));
// The file is too small.
EXPECT_EQ(ps_.PickUrlForId("some-file", 1000), "");
// The file is exactly the right size.
EXPECT_EQ(ps_.PickUrlForId("some-file", 999),
TEST_F(PeerSelectorTest, PickUrlFromTheFirstThird) {
int peer1 = sf_.NewPeer("2001:db8:85a3:0:0:8a2e:370:7334", true, 1111);
int peer2 = sf_.NewPeer("", false, 2222);
int peer3 = sf_.NewPeer("", false, 3333);
int peer4 = sf_.NewPeer("", false, 4444);
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFile(peer1, "some-file", 1000));
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFile(peer2, "some-file", 500));
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFile(peer3, "some-file", 300));
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFile(peer4, "some-file", 0));
EXPECT_EQ(ps_.PickUrlForId("some-file", 1),
TEST_F(PeerSelectorTest, GetUrlAndWaitWithNoPeers) {
EXPECT_EQ(ps_.GetUrlAndWait("some-file", 1), "");
// GetUrlAndWait() should call Lookup() once, since doesn't need to wait.
EXPECT_EQ(sf_.GetNumLookupCalls(), 1);
TEST_F(PeerSelectorTest, GetUrlAndWaitWithUnknownFile) {
int peer1 = sf_.NewPeer("", false, 1111);
int peer2 = sf_.NewPeer("", false, 2222);
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFile(peer1, "some-file", 1000));
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFile(peer2, "some-file", 500));
EXPECT_EQ(ps_.GetUrlAndWait("unknown-file", 1), "");
// GetUrlAndWait() should call Lookup() once, since doesn't need to wait.
EXPECT_EQ(sf_.GetNumLookupCalls(), 1);
TEST_F(PeerSelectorTest, GetUrlAndWaitOnBusyNetwork) {
// This test checks that GetUrlAndWait() doesn't return an URL for a file if
// there are already too many connections on the network. The current limit is
// set to 3. Update this test if you itentionally changed that value.
const int max_connections = 3;
int peer1 = sf_.NewPeer("", false, 1111);
int peer2 = sf_.NewPeer("", false, 2222);
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFile(peer1, "some-file", 1000));
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFile(peer2, "some-file", 500));
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.SetPeerConnections(peer1, max_connections));
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.SetPeerConnections(peer2, max_connections - 1));
// After 2 Lookup() calls, the network is not as busy (|max_connections|
// connections), but still not enough.
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.SetPeerConnectionsOnLookup(2, peer2, 0));
// After 4 Lookup() calls, the network reaches the limit to allow the
// download.
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.SetPeerConnectionsOnLookup(4, peer1, max_connections - 1));
// Make the test finish if more than 10 Lookup()'s are made.
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.RemoveAvailableFileOnLookup(10, "some-file"));
// GetUrlAndWait should return the biggest file in this case.
EXPECT_EQ(ps_.GetUrlAndWait("some-file", 1),
EXPECT_EQ(sf_.GetNumLookupCalls(), 4);
EXPECT_EQ(clock_.GetSleptTime(), base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(3 * 30));
TEST_F(PeerSelectorTest, GetUrlAndWaitWhenThePeerGoesAway) {
int peer1 = sf_.NewPeer("", false, 1111);
int peer2 = sf_.NewPeer("", false, 2222);
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFile(peer1, "some-file", 1000));
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFile(peer2, "some-file", 500));
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFile(peer2, "other-file", 500));
// A super-busy network.
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.SetPeerConnections(peer2, 999));
// After 3 Lookup()'s, peer2 lost the file.
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.RemoveAvailableFileOnLookup(3, "some-file"));
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFileOnLookup(3, peer1, "some-file", 1000));
// After 5 Lookup()'s, network is still busy, but the file is not present
// anymore.
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.RemoveAvailableFileOnLookup(5, "some-file"));
// To ensure test completion (with failure) remove any other file after 10
// Lookup()'s.
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.SetPeerConnectionsOnLookup(10, peer2, 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.RemoveAvailableFileOnLookup(10, "other-file"));
EXPECT_EQ(ps_.GetUrlAndWait("some-file", 1), "");
EXPECT_EQ(sf_.GetNumLookupCalls(), 5);
EXPECT_EQ(clock_.GetSleptTime(), base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(4 * 30));
// Check the metrics. The Lookup should be kVanished.
SendEnumToUMA("P2P.Client.LookupResult", PeerSelector::kVanished,
EXPECT_CALL(mock_metrics_lib_, SendToUMA("P2P.Client.NumPeers", 2, _, _, _));
SendToUMA("P2P.Client.Vanished.WaitingTimeSeconds", 4 * 30, _, _, _));
TEST_F(PeerSelectorTest, GetUrlDoesntWaitForSmallFiles) {
int peer = sf_.NewPeer("", false, 1111);
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFile(peer, "some-file", 500));
// After 3 Lookup()'s, peer has a bigger file, but GetUrlAndWait() shouldn't
// wait for it.
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.RemoveAvailableFileOnLookup(3, "some-file"));
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFileOnLookup(3, peer, "some-file", 2000));
EXPECT_EQ(ps_.GetUrlAndWait("some-file", 1000), "");
EXPECT_EQ(sf_.GetNumLookupCalls(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(clock_.GetSleptTime(), base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(0));
// Check the metrics. The Lookup should be kVanished.
SendEnumToUMA("P2P.Client.LookupResult", PeerSelector::kNotFound,
EXPECT_CALL(mock_metrics_lib_, SendToUMA("P2P.Client.NumPeers", 1, _, _, _));
TEST_F(PeerSelectorTest, ReportMetricsFailsWhenNoLookup) {
// This is to ensure that the check for calling ReportMetrics without calling
// GetUrlAndWait() before works.
TEST_F(PeerSelectorTest, ReportMetricsOnFilteredNetwork) {
EXPECT_EQ(ps_.GetUrlAndWait("some-file", 1000), "");
EXPECT_CALL(mock_metrics_lib_, SendEnumToUMA("P2P.Client.LookupResult",
PeerSelector::kFiltered, _));
TEST_F(PeerSelectorTest, ReportMetricsWhenFound) {
int peer1 = sf_.NewPeer("", false, 1111);
int peer2 = sf_.NewPeer("", false, 2222);
int peer3 = sf_.NewPeer("", false, 3333);
int peer4 = sf_.NewPeer("", false, 4444);
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFile(peer1, "some-file", 2000));
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFile(peer2, "some-file", 500));
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFile(peer3, "other-file", 500));
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.PeerShareFile(peer4, "some-file", 0));
ASSERT_TRUE(sf_.SetPeerConnections(peer1, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(ps_.GetUrlAndWait("some-file", 1),
EXPECT_EQ(sf_.GetNumLookupCalls(), 1);
// Check the metrics.
SendEnumToUMA("P2P.Client.LookupResult", PeerSelector::kFound,
EXPECT_CALL(mock_metrics_lib_, SendToUMA("P2P.Client.NumPeers", 4, _, _, _));
SendToUMA("P2P.Client.Found.ConnectionCount", 1, _, _, _));
// Only two peers are sharing a non-empty file.
SendToUMA("P2P.Client.Found.CandidateCount", 2, _, _, _));
SendToUMA("P2P.Client.Found.WaitingTimeSeconds", 0, _, _, _));
TEST_F(PeerSelectorTest, ReportMetricsWhenCanceled) {
// Technically speaking, the call to Abort should be made *while*
// GetUrlAndWait() is running, but we could also call it right before.
EXPECT_EQ(ps_.GetUrlAndWait("some-file", 1), "");
EXPECT_EQ(sf_.GetNumLookupCalls(), 1);
// Check the metrics.
SendEnumToUMA("P2P.Client.LookupResult", PeerSelector::kCanceled,
SendToUMA("P2P.Client.Canceled.WaitingTimeSeconds", 0, _, _, _));
} // namespace client
} // namespace p2p