blob: b1e67ac50118316f9dadad295cc6b04469b05d0f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
is_factory_test_mode() {
# The path to factory enabled tag. If this path exists in a debug build,
# we assume factory test mode.
local factory_tag_path="${FACTORY_DIR}/enabled"
crossystem "debug_build?1" && [ -f "${factory_tag_path}" ]
is_factory_installer_mode() {
grep -wq 'cros_factory_install' /proc/cmdline || \
[ -f /root/.factory_installer ]
is_factory_mode() {
is_factory_test_mode || is_factory_installer_mode
inhibit_if_factory_mode() {
if is_factory_mode && [ "${disable_inhibit}" -eq 0 ]; then
initctl stop --no-wait "$1"
factory_mount_var_and_home_chronos() {
local option_file="${FACTORY_DIR}/init/encstateful_mount_option"
local option=""
if [ -f "${option_file}" ]; then
option="$(cat "${option_file}")"
if [ "${option}" = "tmpfs" ]; then
# Mount tmpfs to /var/. When booting from USB disk, writing to /var/
# slows down system performance dramatically. Since there is no need to
# really write to stateful partition, using option 'tmpfs' will mount
# tmpfs on /var to improve performance. (especially when running tests
# like touchpad, touchscreen).
mount -n -t tmpfs tmpfs_var /var || return 1
mount -n --bind /mnt/stateful_partition/home/chronos /home/chronos || \
return 1
# Mount /var and /home/chronos in the unencrypted mode.
# This should be same as platform2/init/unencrypted/
mkdir -p /mnt/stateful_partition/var || return 1
mount -n --bind /mnt/stateful_partition/var /var || return 1
mount -n --bind /mnt/stateful_partition/home/chronos /home/chronos || \
return 1