blob: 39518aa4128a317d17241b22572c4bda12ae6e8f [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Generate the overalls class and mock."""
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import datetime
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
// Copyright %d The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
""".strip() %
'// |Overalls| wraps trousers API (including Tspi and Trspi family), with '
'the wrapper API name being the trousers API names of which the first "T" '
'replaced by "O". For example, |Overalls::Ospi_Context_Create| calls '
'|Tspi_Context_Create|.\n//\n// The purpose of this wrapper class is to '
'make trousers APIs to be mock-able so we can enable the callers of '
'trouser to be unittested in googletest framework.')
def _get_repo_related_path(path):
"""Replaces the path before 'src/platform2' by '//'."""
path = os.path.realpath(path)
token = 'src/platform2'
return '//' + token + path.split(token, 1)[1]
_THIS_FILE_PATH = _get_repo_related_path(__file__)
_THIS_FILE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
_PLATFORM2_DIR = _THIS_FILE_DIR.rsplit('libhwsec', 1)[0]
'platform2', 1)[0] + 'third_party/trousers/src/include'
_OUTPUT_SUBDIR = 'libhwsec/overalls'
// This file is GENERATED and do not modify it manually.
// To reproduce the generation process, run %s with arguments as:
// %s
""".strip() % (_THIS_FILE_PATH, ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]))
def build_filter(wd):
"""Builds a filter function based on used |trousers| APIs in under |wd|.
Given the path |wd|, this function find out all the usage of |trousers| APIs
using |git grep|. The content of |overalls| project itself is ignored.
wd: String of the woring directory where |git grep| is run.
A filter function that returns |True| iff the usage is found by |git grep|.
cmd = [
'git', 'grep', '-oh', '-E', r'\bTr?spi_([a-zA-Z0-9]+_)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+\b',
all_usages = subprocess.check_output(cmd, cwd=wd).decode('utf-8')
all_usages = set(all_usages.splitlines())
return lambda x: x in all_usages
def parse_trousers_input_args(s):
"""Parses Trspi family's input arguments.
Given a string from of input arguments of a trousers API, the input arguments
parsed into tokens and then convert to tuples. For example:
"BYTE *s, unsigned *len"
[("BYTE *", "s"), ("unsigned *", "len")]
s: String representation of the input arguments of a certain Trspi function.
A list of tuples in form of (data type, variable name).
arr = s.split(',')
for i, p in enumerate(arr):
p = p.strip()
# are stick with the variable name, e.g., UINT64 *offset, so the separator
# could be last ' ' or '*'.
pos = p.strip().rfind('*')
if pos == -1:
pos = p.rfind(' ')
if pos == -1:
pos = len(p)
var_type, var_name = p[:pos + 1].strip(), p[pos + 1:].strip()
arr[i] = (var_type, var_name)
return arr
def process_function_macro(args1, args2, arr2):
"""Parses Trspi family's input arguments for those implemented by macros.
args1: String representation of the input arguments of a certain the
function as the caller.
args2: String representation of the input arguments of a certain the
function as the callee.
arr2: List returned by |parse_trousers_input_args| when processing the
A list of tuples in form of (type, name).
tokens1 = args1.replace(' ', '').split(',')
tokens2 = args2.replace(' ', '').split(',')
return [arr2[tokens2.index(x)] for x in tokens1]
def process_trousers_h(input_string):
"""Processes the file content of trousers.h
Parses the input file content and tokenize each function declaration into a
3-tuple as shown in the following example:
BYTE *Trspi_Native_To_UNICODE(BYTE *string, unsigned *len);
("BYTE *", "Trspi_Native_To_UNICODE",
[("BYTE *", "s"), ("unsigned *", "len")])
Note: the macro-style implementaions is also parsed into the same form.
input_string: the file content of trousers.h in a string.
A list of 3-tuples where the data is in order of return type, function name,
and a list of 2-tuple in form of (data type, variable name)
input_string = input_string.replace('\\\n', '').replace(',\n', ', ')
r = re.compile(r'(void|TSS_RESULT|BYTE|char|UINT32|int)'
arr = []
table = {}
for m in r.finditer(input_string):
return_type = ( +
name = 'Trspi_' +
arguments = parse_trousers_input_args(
arr.append((return_type, name, arguments))
table[name] = arr[-1]
# Processes the macros.
r = re.compile(
for m in r.finditer(input_string):
name = 'Trspi_' +
callee = table['Trspi_' +]
return_type = callee[0]
arguments = process_function_macro(,, callee[2])
arr.append((return_type, name, arguments))
# For self-test purpose.
expected_api_counts = sum(
1 for x in input_string.splitlines() if ' Trspi_' in x or ' *Trspi_' in x)
# Offset by 1 because there is also a strcut declaration starting from
# "Trspi_". The offset should be adjusted accordingly if trousers.h changes.
assert expected_api_counts == len(arr) + 1
return arr
def process_tspi_h(input_string):
"""Process the file content of tspi.h
Parses the input file content and tokenize each function declaration into a
3-tuple as shown in the following example:
TSPICALL Tspi_Context_Create
TSS_HCONTEXT* phContext // out
("TSS_RESULT", "Tspi_Context_Create", [("TSS_HCONTEXT*", "phContext")])
input_string: the file content of tspi.h in a string.
A list of 3-tuples of return type, function name, a list of 2-tuple in form
of (data type, variable name)
r = re.compile(r'^TSPICALL[\s\S]*?;', flags=re.M)
arr = []
for m in r.finditer(input_string):
tokens =
name = tokens[0].split()[1]
arguments = []
for t in tokens[2:-1]:
var_type, var_name = t.split()[:2]
arguments.append((var_type, var_name.replace(',', '')))
arr.append(('TSS_RESULT', name, arguments))
# For self-test purpose.
expected_api_counts = input_string.count('\nTSPICALL')
assert expected_api_counts == len(arr)
return arr
def tuples_to_wrapper_class(wrapper_class_name, functions):
"""Generates a wrapper class as a string from the parsed result of headers."""
def to_virtual_member_function(return_type, name, arguments):
"""Generates the function declaraion from a parsed API information."""
for i, a in enumerate(arguments):
if not a[1]:
arguments[i] = (a[0], 'arg%d' % i)
arguments_string = ','.join([' '.join(x) for x in arguments])
inputs_string = ','.join([x[1] for x in arguments])
caller_name = 'O' + name[1:]
callee_name = name
return 'virtual %s %s(%s){ return %s(%s); }' % (
return_type, caller_name, arguments_string, callee_name, inputs_string)
member_functions = '\n'.join(
to_virtual_member_function(*x) for x in functions)
ctor_and_dtor = '%s() = default;virtual ~%s() = default;' % (
wrapper_class_name, wrapper_class_name)
return '%s\nclass %s {\npublic:\n%s\n%s\n};\n' % (
_OVERALLS_CLASS_DESCRIPTION, wrapper_class_name, ctor_and_dtor,
def tuples_to_mock_class(wrapper_class_name, functions):
"""Generates a mock class as a string from the parsed result of headers."""
def to_mock_method(return_type, name, arguments):
"""Generates the mock method from a parsed API information."""
arguments_string = ','.join([' '.join(x) for x in arguments])
arguments_string = ','.join([x[0] for x in arguments])
# Falls back to CHECK(false) when too many arguments.
if len(arguments) > 10:
return ('%s %s(%s) override {CHECK(false) <<"too many arguments to be '
'mockable.";return 0;}') % (return_type, name, arguments_string)
return 'MOCK_METHOD%d(%s,%s(%s));' % (len(arguments), name, return_type,
mock_methods = '\n'.join(to_mock_method(*x) for x in functions)
mock_class_name = 'Mock' + wrapper_class_name
ctor_and_dtor = '%s() = default;~%s() override = default;' % (mock_class_name,
return 'class %s:public %s {\npublic:\n%s\n%s\n};\n' % (
mock_class_name, wrapper_class_name, ctor_and_dtor, mock_methods)
def generate_source_code_string(include_guard, includes, namespaces, body):
"""Composes the inputs to a source file content.
include_guard: The string used as one-time includ guard.
includes: The string of '#include ...' fields.
namespaces: A iterable object that contains a series of namespaces.
body: source code that put inside the nested namespaces depecified in the
last argument.
The file content string that is composed of the input parameters.
include_guard_begin = ''
if include_guard:
include_guard_begin = '#ifndef %s\n#define %s' % (include_guard,
namespaces_begin = '\n'.join('namespace %s {' % x for x in namespaces)
include_guard_end = ''
if include_guard:
include_guard_end = '#endif // %s' % (include_guard)
namespaces_end = '\n'.join('} // namespace ' + x for x in namespaces)
strings = (_LICENSE_STRING, _GENERATOR_INFO, include_guard_begin, includes,
namespaces_begin, body, namespaces_end, include_guard_end)
s = '\n\n'.join(strings)
return s + '\n'
def generate_source_code_file(file_path, include_guard, includes, namespaces,
"""Call |generate_source_code_string| and write the content to a file."""
content = generate_source_code_string(include_guard, includes, namespaces,
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
cmd = ['clang-format', '-sort-includes=0', '-i', file_path]
def generate_include_guard(subdir, filename):
"""Generates the include guard for a C++ header.
subdir: the directory whare we put the generated file; it's relavtie to
|platform2| repository.
filename: the name of the file
The macro used as the include guard.
subdir = subdir.strip('/\\')
s = subdir.strip('/') + '_' + filename + '_'
return s.replace('/', '_').replace('.', '_').upper()
def gen_arg_parser():
"""Creates the argument parser for the command line argument."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
help='if set, crawl the entire platform2 repo and '
'generate code corrsponding to only used funtions.')
help='the directory containing trousers/trousers.h and tss/tspi.h. '
'If not specified, the program locates '
'"//src/third_party/trousers/src/include" in the same source tree of '
'this python script.')
help='the output directory relative to //src/platform2 where the '
'generated headers are placed (in order to generate include guard).'
'If not specified, the sub-directory is "%s"' % _OUTPUT_SUBDIR)
help='the output directory of the generated files. '
'If not specified, it is the same directory as this python script.')
return parser
def main(args):
"""The main function."""
parser = gen_arg_parser()
opts = parser.parse_args(args)
trousers_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(opts.include_dir), 'trousers')
trousers_h_path = os.path.join(trousers_dir, 'trousers.h')
with open(trousers_h_path, 'r') as f:
input_string =
result = process_trousers_h(input_string)
tss_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(opts.include_dir), 'tss')
tss_h_path = os.path.join(tss_dir, 'tspi.h')
with open(tss_h_path, 'r') as f:
input_string =
result += process_tspi_h(input_string)
if opts.filter_by_usage:
print('filtering by usage...')
func = build_filter(_PLATFORM2_DIR)
old_size = len(result)
result = [x for x in result if func(x[1])]
new_size = len(result)
print('pruning %d out of %d APIs and new result has %d APIs' %
(old_size - new_size, old_size, new_size))
include_guard = generate_include_guard(opts.subdir, 'overalls.h')
includes = ('#include <trousers/tss.h>\n#include <trousers/trousers.h> // '
'NOLINT(build/include_alpha) - needs tss.h')
namespaces = ('hwsec', 'overalls')
file_path = os.path.join(opts.output_dir, 'overalls.h')
generate_source_code_file(file_path, include_guard, includes, namespaces,
tuples_to_wrapper_class('Overalls', result))
include_guard = generate_include_guard(opts.subdir, 'mock_overalls.h')
includes = ('#include <base/logging.h>\n#include <gmock/gmock.h>\n#include '
namespaces = ('hwsec', 'overalls')
file_path = os.path.join(opts.output_dir, 'mock_overalls.h')
file_path, include_guard, includes, namespaces,
[(x[0], 'O' + x[1][1:], x[2]) for x in result]))
if __name__ == '__main__':