blob: a5561fc2874cd546c26da3bfdd3f6d06bf7bf8fc [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
group("all") {
deps = [ ":hardware_verifier-goprotos" ]
config("target_defaults") {
# Manually add the include path so that the generated .pb.h files can
# include runtime_probe.pb.h properly.
cflags = [ "-I${sysroot}/usr/include/runtime_probe/proto_bindings" ]
# This library is used by the of the parent directory and therefore we
# do not depend on it at "all" target.
proto_library("hardware_verifier-protos") {
configs = [ ":target_defaults" ]
proto_in_dir = "./"
proto_out_dir = "include/hardware_verifier"
proto_lib_dirs = [ "${sysroot}/usr/include/chromeos/dbus/runtime_probe" ]
sources = [ "${proto_in_dir}/hardware_verifier.proto" ]
goproto_library("hardware_verifier-goprotos") {
import_mapping =
[ "runtime_probe.proto=chromiumos/system_api/runtime_probe_proto" ]
proto_in_dir = "./"
proto_out_dir = "go/src/chromiumos/hardware_verifier"
proto_lib_dirs = [ "${sysroot}/usr/include/chromeos/dbus/runtime_probe" ]
sources = [ "${proto_in_dir}/hardware_verifier.proto" ]