blob: 132d922d8a1595a6d55cfc09c02f93c4362423c2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
description "Mount the removable media directory using mount-passthrough."
author ""
start on starting arcvm-post-login-services
stop on stopping arcvm-post-login-services
# Do not allow OOM killer to terminate this job since it will break file
# sharing support (which e.g. our Photos app relies on) until ARCVM restarts.
# TODO(b/164939771): Choose a better OOM score which guarantees the Chrome
# browser process is always terminated before this one.
oom score never
# Set VM size soft limit to 1 GB. See arcvm-mount-myfiles.conf for rationale.
# TODO(b/164936284): Specify a lower limit after improving mount-passthrough.
limit as 1000000000 unlimited
expect fork
env SOURCE=/media/removable
env DEST=/run/arcvm/media/removable
env UMASK=007
pre-start exec nsenter --mount=/run/namespaces/mnt_concierge --no-fork \
-- mkdir -p "${DEST}"
exec nsenter --mount=/run/namespaces/mnt_concierge --no-fork \
-- /usr/sbin/syslog-cat --identifier="${UPSTART_JOB}" -- \
mount-passthrough-jailed "${SOURCE}" "${DEST}" "${UMASK}" \
post-stop script
# Termination by SIGKILL can result in a stale mount which needs clean-up.
nsenter --mount=/run/namespaces/mnt_concierge --no-fork \
-- umount "${DEST}" || true
end script