blob: d93b76827e2e8774551e417ab8b7190339ff6ba2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "modemfwd/firmware_manifest.h"
#include <utility>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <brillo/proto_file_io.h>
#include "modemfwd/firmware_directory.h"
#include "modemfwd/proto_bindings/firmware_manifest.pb.h"
namespace modemfwd {
namespace {
struct DeviceEntries {
const MainFirmware* main_firmware;
std::vector<const CarrierFirmware*> carrier_firmware;
bool SortByDevice(const FirmwareManifest& manifest,
std::map<DeviceType, DeviceEntries>* out_sorted) {
for (const MainFirmware& info : manifest.main_firmware()) {
if (info.device_id().empty() || info.filename().empty() ||
info.version().empty() || !Compression_IsValid(info.compression())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Found malformed main firmware manifest entry";
return false;
DeviceType type{info.device_id(), info.variant()};
if ((*out_sorted)[type].main_firmware) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Device " << type.device_id()
<< (type.variant().empty() ? ""
: " for variant " + type.variant())
<< " has multiple main firmwares";
return false;
(*out_sorted)[type].main_firmware = &info;
for (const CarrierFirmware& info : manifest.carrier_firmware()) {
if (info.device_id().empty() || info.filename().empty() ||
info.version().empty() || info.carrier_id().empty() ||
!Compression_IsValid(info.compression())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Found malformed carrier firmware manifest entry";
return false;
DeviceType type{info.device_id(), info.variant()};
return true;
bool ConstructCache(const DeviceEntries& entries,
const base::FilePath& directory_path,
DeviceFirmwareCache* out_cache) {
std::unique_ptr<FirmwareFileInfo> main_info;
if (entries.main_firmware) {
// Create the firmware file info for the main firmware.
auto compression =
if (!compression.has_value())
return false;
main_info = std::make_unique<FirmwareFileInfo>(
entries.main_firmware->version(), compression.value());
DeviceFirmwareCache::CarrierIndex* index = &out_cache->carrier_firmware;
for (const CarrierFirmware* carrier_firmware : entries.carrier_firmware) {
// Convert the manifest entry into a FirmwareFileInfo.
auto compression =
if (!compression.has_value())
return false;
auto carrier_info = std::make_unique<FirmwareFileInfo>(
carrier_firmware->version(), compression.value());
// Add the carrier (and if applicable, main) firmware to the cache under
// the carrier ID for this entry.
for (const std::string& supported_carrier :
carrier_firmware->carrier_id()) {
if (index->count(supported_carrier) > 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Duplicate carrier firmware entry for carrier "
<< supported_carrier;
// It's possible that we've left a dangling pointer to carrier_info
// in another carrier's mapping, so we should clear the index here in
// case a user does the wrong thing and uses the invalid result.
return false;
index->emplace(supported_carrier, carrier_info.get());
if (main_info)
out_cache->main_firmware.emplace(supported_carrier, main_info.get());
// Add the main FW for generic carriers if we didn't already do that, and
// ensure that we put the main firmware in the cache's list.
if (main_info) {
if (index->count(FirmwareDirectory::kGenericCarrierId) == 0)
index->emplace(FirmwareDirectory::kGenericCarrierId, main_info.get());
return true;
} // namespace
base::Optional<FirmwareFileInfo::Compression> ToFirmwareFileInfoCompression(
Compression compression) {
switch (compression) {
case Compression::NONE:
return FirmwareFileInfo::Compression::NONE;
case Compression::XZ:
return FirmwareFileInfo::Compression::XZ;
std::string name = Compression_Name(compression);
if (name.empty())
name = base::NumberToString(compression);
LOG(ERROR) << "Unsupported compression: " << name;
return base::nullopt;
bool ParseFirmwareManifest(const base::FilePath& manifest,
FirmwareIndex* index) {
FirmwareManifest manifest_proto;
if (!brillo::ReadTextProtobuf(manifest, &manifest_proto))
return false;
base::FilePath directory = manifest.DirName();
std::map<DeviceType, DeviceEntries> sorted;
if (!SortByDevice(manifest_proto, &sorted))
return false;
for (const auto& device : sorted) {
DeviceFirmwareCache cache;
if (!ConstructCache(device.second, directory, &cache))
return false;
(*index)[device.first] = std::move(cache);
return true;
} // namespace modemfwd