blob: 46c44e04a62eaa3eb6384ae6a03c5ad87207a98c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "foomatic_shell/grammar.h"
namespace foomatic_shell {
// A simple class used to verify given script. All commands in the script
// must be on the list of allowed commands. All variables used in the script
// must be on the list of allowed variables. Moreover, each allowed command has
// specific requirements that must be met.
class Verifier {
// Verifies given Script. |script| must be not nullptr. Returns false in
// the case of failure. |script| may be modified by the method (e.g. a
// parameter "--sandbox" is added to every invocation of "sed" command).
bool VerifyScript(Script* script, int recursion_level = 0);
// It is used to report a position of the error when the method
// VerifyScript(...) fails.
std::string::const_iterator GetPosition() const { return position_; }
// Returns an error message from the last call of VerifyScript(...).
// Returns an empty string if the call succeeded.
const std::string& GetMessage() const { return message_; }
// Verifies given Command. |command| must be not nullptr.
bool VerifyCommand(Command* command);
// Verifies parameters of "gs" command.
bool VerifyGs(const std::vector<StringAtom>& parameters);
// Internal field holding an error message from the last call of
// VerifyScript(...).
std::string message_;
// Internal field holding a position where the last error occurred.
std::string::const_iterator position_;
} // namespace foomatic_shell