blob: e26dc5b8ffd97245bc550c56c4cde5c82c607c85 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "debugd/src/wifi_fw_dump_tool.h"
#include <base/files/file_enumerator.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
namespace debugd {
std::string WifiFWDumpTool::WifiFWDump() {
// Directory to search for the wifi firmware dumper in.
// The full path to the dumper file is unknown because it contains a
// variably-named directory.
const char kDirectoryToSearch[] = "/sys/kernel/debug/iwlwifi";
const base::FilePath wifi_dumper_dir(kDirectoryToSearch);
if (!base::PathExists(wifi_dumper_dir)) {
return "Failure: Could not find supported WiFi device. This command "
"currently only supports Intel WiFi devices.";
// dir_enum enumerates all directories contained in wifi_dumper_dir
// non-recursively.
base::FileEnumerator dir_enum(wifi_dumper_dir, false,
// Iterate through subdirectories and check for wifi firmware dumper file.
for (base::FilePath dir_name = dir_enum.Next(); !dir_name.empty();
dir_name = dir_enum.Next()) {
// The path to the firmware dumper file is hardcoded as the wifi_fw_dump
// crosh command currently only supports Intel wifi.
base::FilePath dumper_file = dir_name.Append("iwlmvm/fw_dbg_collect");
// Check if dumper file is contained within dir_name directory.
if (base::PathExists(dumper_file)) {
// Write '1' to the dumper file to trigger firmware dump. WriteFile should
// return the number of bytes written.
if (base::WriteFile(dumper_file, "1", 1) != 1) {
return "Failure: Unable to trigger WiFi firmware dump. Failed when "
"attempting to write to " +
return "Success: WiFi firmware dump triggered. Output can be found in "
"one or both of the following directories: /var/spool/crash/ "
"/var/log/ ";
// If below line is executed, the dumper file was not found.
return "Failure: Could not find supported WiFi device. This command "
"currently only supports Intel WiFi devices.";
} // namespace debugd