Biod: Biometrics Daemon


Biod (Biometrics Daemon) is a daemon for enrolling, authenticating and managing biometrics data for faster unlocking. It manages all biometric sensors for all users of the device.


Record - a specific piece of biometric data that a user registers along with its metadata.

Enroll - the act of registering a record.

EnrollSession - the session during which enrolling of a record happens.

Authenticate - the act of checking a new piece of biometric data against stored records.

AuthSession - the session during which authenticating a new piece of biometric data against stored records happens.

BiometricsManager - manager for a piece of device/hardware/sensor for collecting a specific type of biometric data. Each BiometricsManager is in charge of storing the records that it enrolled.


The records are stored under the directory: /home/root/[hash_of_user_id]/biod/[name_of_biometrics_manager]/ with the file name: Record[UUID].

UUID has the form of XXXXXXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXX_XXXXXXXXXXXX where X represents a lowercase hex digit. UUID is a 128-bit random number generated with guid, so it will highly unlikely repeat. ‘_’ are used instead of ‘-’ because this UUID is used in biod D-bus object paths, which do not allow ‘-’.

Each record file is stored in JSON format, and contains one record and its record id and label.



CrosFpBiometric (fingerprint MCU) runs the firmware for image capture, matching and enrollment. Biod ( interacts with the MCU by doing system calls on /dev/cros_fp.


On receiving an Authentication request, biod makes a ioctl call to put the MCU in FP_MODE_MATCH. It then listens for MBKP events from the MCU. On receiving the event, based on the result, biod either reports success or failure to the D-bus client (typically Chrome).

Things get little complicated on devices with fingerprint overlapped on power button. On these devices, we need to be careful not to interpret user's interaction with power button as an intent to authenticate via fingerprint. To avoid such scenarios, we ignore fingerprint matches if we have seen a power button event in last few milliseconds. To achieve this, biod keeps track of power button events ( by listening to d-bus events advertised by powerd ( The sequence diagram below gives a sequence of events on devices with fingerprint overlapped on power button.

sequence diagram on devices with fp on power button




Biod communicates with Chrome via D-bus messages. Chrome provides the graphical interface for users to enroll new biometric data and manage their own records. Chrome is also responsible for the visual display during authentication.


When a user logs in or biod starts, biod will ask login manager for a list of currently logged-in users, and load from storage the records of the newly logged-in users.

When a user logs out, all users log out at the same time, biod receives a signal from login manager and remove all records in the memory.


Because the records are stored in per user stateful under /home/root/ [hash_of_user_id], they are naturally encrypted by cryptohome. Records are encrypted when the users log out and decrypted when the users log in. Cryptohome provides a layer of security to biod.



biod_client_tool provides the interface to fake the behavior of a biometrics client, for example, a lock screen or a biometric enrollment app. It can be used to test biod and biometric sensors.