crosh: network_diag: drop --wifi-mon, ath9k

This option only worked for ath9k chipsets, which we don't support any
more. We could probably support some of this (e.g., the 'station dump')
for other chips, but this is a lot of shell code, and apparently nobody
wanted to be using it for non-ath9k so far.

TEST=other network_diag options still work

Change-Id: Iaf1edafae165d8230c20758f4ed93fb2ed647545
Tested-by: Brian Norris <>
Reviewed-by: Mike Frysinger <>
Commit-Queue: Brian Norris <>
diff --git a/crosh/network_diag b/crosh/network_diag
index f1012f1..022e394 100755
--- a/crosh/network_diag
+++ b/crosh/network_diag
@@ -514,11 +514,6 @@
 diag_wifi_internal () {
-  # Only callable by debugd or root, since debugfs is locked down.
-  for dir in /sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy*/ath9k; do
-    [ -d "${dir}" ] && head -1000 "${dir}"/{dma,interrupt,recv,xmit,samples} | \
-      output_anonymize
-  done
   for ifc in $(get_iflist); do
     if is_wifi "${ifc}" ; then
       echo "iw dev ${ifc} survey dump:"
@@ -952,126 +947,6 @@
   diag_gateway_latency "${host}"
-monitor_get_stats () {
-  local tmp_file="$(mktemp /tmp/iwlink.XXXXX)"
-  local err_file="$(mktemp /tmp/iwlink.XXXXX)"
-  "${IW}" dev "${mon_wlan_device}" link > "${tmp_file}"
-  if ! grep -q 'Connected to' "${tmp_file}"; then
-    values_reset=0
-    unlink "${tmp_file}"
-    unlink "${err_file}"
-    return
-  fi
-  for param in ${mon_link_params[@]}; do
-    val="$(grep "${param}" "${tmp_file}" | \
-          sed -e "s/.*${param}:*[ 	]*\([^ 	]*\).*/\1/")"
-    mon_current["${param}"]="${val}"
-  done
-  "${IW}" dev "${mon_wlan_device}" station dump 2>"${err_file}" > "${tmp_file}"
-  if [ "$?" -ne 0 -o -s "${err_file}" ] ; then
-    values_reset=0
-    unlink "${tmp_file}"
-    unlink "${err_file}"
-    return
-  fi
-  for param in ${mon_station_params[@]}; do
-    val="$(grep "${param}" "${tmp_file}" | \
-          sed -e "s/.*${param}:*[ 	]*\([^ 	]*\).*/\1/")"
-    mon_current["${param}"]="${val}"
-  done
-  "${IW}" dev "${mon_wlan_device}" survey dump 2>"${err_file}" | \
-    grep -A6 "${mon_current[freq]}" > "${tmp_file}"
-  if [ "$?" -ne 0 -o -s "${err_file}" ] ; then
-    values_reset=0
-    unlink "${tmp_file}"
-    unlink "${err_file}"
-    return
-  fi
-  for param in ${mon_survey_params[@]}; do
-    val="$(grep "${param}" "${tmp_file}" | \
-          sed -e "s/.*${param}:*[ 	]*\([^ 	]*\).*/\1/")"
-    mon_current["${param}"]="${val}"
-  done
-  echo -n "$(date +%s)"
-  for param in ${mon_delta_params[@]}; do
-    if [ -n "${values_reset}" ] ; then
-      prev=0
-    else
-      prev="${mon_last["${param}"]-0}"
-    fi
-    val="$((mon_current[${param}] - $prev))"
-    mon_last["${param}"]="${mon_current["${param}"]}"
-    echo -n " ${param}:${val}"
-  done
-  for param in ${mon_static_params[@]}; do
-    echo -n " ${param}:${mon_current[${param}]}"
-  done
-  echo
-  values_reset=
-  unlink "${tmp_file}"
-  unlink "${err_file}"
-monitor_cleanup () {
-  kill "${mon_event_proc}"
-  [ -n "${mon_msgs_proc}" ] && kill "${mon_msgs_proc}"
-  echo -n TOTALS:
-  for param in ${mon_delta_params[@]} ${mon_static_params[@]}; do
-    echo -n " ${param}:${mon_current[${param}]}"
-  done
-  exit 0
-diag_wifi_monitor () {
-  if ! [ -d /sys/bus/pci/drivers/ath9k ] ; then
-    echo "Unfortunately this script only spports ath9k at the moment."
-    return
-  fi
-  declare -A mon_last
-  declare -A mon_current
-  mon_wlan_device=wlan0
-  declare -a mon_link_params
-  mon_link_params=( freq signal 'tx.bitrate' 'dtim.period' '' SSID \
-           )
-  declare -a mon_delta_station_params
-  declare -a mon_static_station_params
-  declare -a mon_station_params
-  mon_delta_station_params=( 'rx.bytes' 'tx.bytes' 'rx.packets' \
-                             'tx.packets' 'tx.retries' 'tx.failed' )
-  mon_static_station_params=( 'inactive.time' 'signal.avg' )
-  mon_station_params=("${mon_static_station_params[@]}" \
-                      "${mon_delta_station_params[@]}")
-  declare -a mon_delta_survey_params
-  declare -a mon_static_survey_params
-  declare -a mon_survey_params
-  mon_delta_survey_params=( '' 'channel.busy.time' \
-                            'channel.receive.time' 'channel.transmit.time' )
-  mon_static_survey_params=( noise )
-  mon_survey_params=("${mon_static_survey_params[@]}" \
-                     "${mon_delta_survey_params[@]}")
-  mon_static_params=("${mon_static_survey_params[@]}" "${mon_link_params[@]}" \
-                     "${mon_static_station_params[@]}")
-  mon_delta_params=("${mon_delta_survey_params[@]}" \
-                    "${mon_delta_station_params[@]}")
-  values_reset=0
-  trap monitor_cleanup SIGINT SIGTERM
-  "${IW}" event -t &
-  mon_event_proc="$!"
-  mon_debug_file=/sys/kernel/debug/ieee80211/phy0/ath9k/debug
-  if [ -f "${mon_debug_file}" -a -r /proc/kmsg ] ; then
-    [ -w "${mon_debug_file}" ] && echo 0x440 > "${mon_debug_file}"
-    # NB: Even if we can't write to the flag, debug might already enabled
-    egrep 'ath:.*(cal|ANI)' /proc/kmsg &
-    mon_msgs_proc="$!"
-  fi
-  while sleep 1; do
-    monitor_get_stats
-  done
 diag_gateway_latency () {
   local ff="org.chromium.flimflam"
   local services=($(dbus_get_object_list "${ff}" Manager Services /))
@@ -1112,8 +987,7 @@
 usage () {
-  echo "Usage: $0 [--date|--flimflam|--link|--wifi|--help|"
-  echo "           --wifi-mon] [host]"
+  echo "Usage: $0 [--date|--flimflam|--link|--wifi|--help] [host]"
   echo "    --date:      Diagnose time-of-day"
   echo "                 ([host] must support SSL)"
   echo "    --dhcp:      Display DHCP information"
@@ -1126,7 +1000,6 @@
   echo "    --proxy:     Specify proxy to use with tests"
   echo "    --route:     Diagnose routes to each host"
   echo "    --wifi:      Display driver-specific debugging information"
-  echo "    --wifi-mon:  Monitor WiFi performance metrics"
   echo "    --help:      Display this message"
   echo "    [host]       Hostname to perform web access test on " \
@@ -1247,10 +1120,6 @@
         exit 0
-      --wifi-mon)
-        check_no_arg "${option}" "${option_and_arg_provided}"
-        diag_wifi_monitor
-        ;;
         check_no_arg "${option}" "${option_and_arg_provided}"