blob: 4a22405248de8d9e983e17300ec07862db5ab7de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "foomatic_shell/grammar.h"
#include "foomatic_shell/parser.h"
#include "foomatic_shell/scanner.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace foomatic_shell {
// Calls CreateRepresentation(...) for each element of the given vector and
// returns single string built from the results according to the following
// pattern: "[result0,result1,result2,...]"
template <typename Element>
std::string CreateRepresentation(const std::vector<Element>& elements) {
std::string out = "[";
for (size_t i = 0; i < elements.size(); ++i) {
if (i > 0)
out += ",";
out += CreateRepresentation(elements[i]);
return out;
// A string representation of StringAtom is its value.
std::string CreateRepresentation(const StringAtom& str) {
std::string out;
for (auto& s : str.components) {
if (s.type == Token::Type::kLiteralString)
out += std::string(s.begin, s.end);
out += s.value;
return out;
// A string representation of variable assignment is a name of variable and
// a value of the variable connected by '=' character.
std::string CreateRepresentation(const VariableAssignment& variable) {
std::string out;
out = variable.variable.value;
out += "=";
out += CreateRepresentation(variable.new_value);
return out;
std::string CreateRepresentation(const Script& script);
// This function returns a string representation of given PipeSegment.
// If the PipeSegment is a Command, its string representation is calculated
// according to the following pattern:
// "{[var0=value0,var1=value1,...],application,[param0,param1,...]}"
std::string CreateRepresentation(const PipeSegment& segment) {
std::string out;
if (segment.command) {
out += "{";
out += CreateRepresentation(segment.command->variables_with_values);
out += ",";
out += segment.command->application.value;
out += ",";
out += CreateRepresentation(segment.command->parameters);
out += "}";
} else {
return CreateRepresentation(*segment.script);
return out;
// This function returns a string representation of given Pipeline as a
// sequence of string representations of its segments.
std::string CreateRepresentation(const Pipeline& pipeline) {
return CreateRepresentation(pipeline.segments);
// This function returns a string representation of given Script as a
// sequence of string representations of its pipelines.
std::string CreateRepresentation(const Script& script) {
return CreateRepresentation(script.pipelines);
TEST(Parser, CommandWithParameters) {
const std::string input =
"pdftops '9195' 'root' 'split_streams.pdf' '1' "
"' finishings=3 number-up=1 document=split.pdf' '/cups/tmp/foo-B65TL1'";
const std::string tree =
" finishings=3 number-up=1 document=split.pdf,/cups/tmp/foo-B65TL1]}]]";
std::vector<Token> tokens;
Scanner scanner(input);
Parser parser(std::move(tokens));
Script script;
EXPECT_EQ(tree, CreateRepresentation(script));
TEST(Parser, Pipeline) {
const std::string input = "ls -h | grep 'XXX' | wc -l; echo \"Done\"; ";
const std::string tree =
std::vector<Token> tokens;
Scanner scanner(input);
Parser parser(std::move(tokens));
Script script;
EXPECT_EQ(tree, CreateRepresentation(script));
TEST(Parser, Subshell) {
const std::string input =
"VAR1='xx' VAR=acs'zzz'qq my_app -par1 par2'qqq'"
" ; (echo ttt | tr t T; echo Done) | cat myfile.txt";
const std::string tree =
std::vector<Token> tokens;
Scanner scanner(input);
Parser parser(std::move(tokens));
Script script;
EXPECT_EQ(tree, CreateRepresentation(script));
} // namespace foomatic_shell